-"How do I find the words to tell you I'm not crazy?"- Cannibal AU

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(Ayup Ghost here, just wanted to post this before I leave this project entirely, idk if ill ever post crk again but hope yall enjoy the part 2 to my favorite story, always tell me if i missed a trigger)
*Trigger warning btw:
Canniballism, heavy gore, vomiting, homocide, graphic detail of all subjects above*

It was storming outside. Like the thunder and lightning kind of storm that makes you jump at every turn. The kind that scares kids into the comfort of their own blankets. Except instead of kids being scared of the storm, they were scared of him.

Pancake and Custard had been avoiding Gumball at almost all costs. Custard was at Crepe's house while Pancake was at Sorbet's, leaving him to deal with his own thoughts within their darkroom. The rain beat the roof as the sound echoed around the house and his room. The pinkette was curled up on his bed with a certain blue hoodie on.

He meant to give it back a week ago but he wasn't allowed to leave the house at the moment. Almond could figure out what happened to those two kids. They haven't been pronounced dead but HE knew. He knew what happened to them. It was getting hard to handle it too.

Everywhere he looked he saw flashes of their cold dead faces. Sprawled out on the walls, painted on the pages he sketches on, he can't even find the same comfort in his family as he did before. He's terrified of what he'll end up doing to them if he's around too long.

It was Sunday, he had to go back to school tomorrow. Almond let him off the hook for the moment, saying that school was important and he didn't want to mess up the kid's attendance or grades. So now he was forced to face the kids in his class.

And Soda.

Perfect, smart, handsome Soda. He was dreading seeing his boyfriend after ignoring all his calls and being homebound for the past week.


Gumball needed to leave class and clear his head. As soon as Espresso sighed for the third time the teacher gave up and let the artist leave. He walked as calmly to the door as he could. Once he heard the soft click of the closing door, he broke down.

He couldn't stand it, he couldn't take it.

Gumball saw a small flash of red spatter on the wall, but the second he looked at it the blood disappeared. The boy rushed his fingers through his hair, pulling on the bright pink strands as a small sob broke out.

A pain struck his stomach and he cried, he was hungry again. He didn't want to kill anymore, he was sick of it. Those poor people that had to die for his hunger, it was horrible. The pinkette stumbled through the hallways, making his way to the nurse's office so he could leave.

The fluorescent lights flickering above him gave him a pounding headache, though he couldn't tell if that were the case anymore. The room came into view and he hastily slipped inside, missing the note on the door. He turned to the nurse's desk only to lock eyes with Cheerleader.

The girl stared at him with discomfort as she fixed her hair back into its high ponytail. She tossed her eyes to the side of her socket and huffed "what do you want? The nurse is sick today so I'm here as her aide today". Her words registered in his brain for a second as he gathered his thoughts. Now he wasn't able to leave.

Gumball panicked, he couldn't just stay here, he had to leave. He had to get out. He NEEDED to leave. The boy stood there, dead stare while about a million thoughts ran through every crack and crevice of his brain, buzzing around as if they were a thousand bees. The preppy girl was growing uncomfortable as he blanked for a moment, she shifted in her chair as her phone buzzed on the desk ever so softly. Her phone charm was pretty, very sparkly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2023 ⏰

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