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  Gumball just came back from Soda's house and slid into the living room. Tossing his bag into his room, he noticed Custard on the couch and grinned. 

  Unzipping the top of his jumpsuit to his tank top underneath, he wrapped the sleeves around his waist. He then ran over to the other to start the process of annoying Custard.

  He jumped on the couch next to Custard, startling him from his iPad. The blonde glanced up and shot a glare at the other, already annoyed "Soda's not over again is he?"

  "No he's not, sadly" Gumball complained and dramatically laid across the couch. Custard rolled his eyes and went back to his iPad. He sat back up and flicked his brother.

  He huffed, "What do you want, Gumball?!" The older shrugged, "mm nothin much" he booped his nose. Custard was trying to get better at holding his temper, but his prick of a brother made it difficult at times.

  "Well stop it! It's not funny, I just wanna play my dress-up games!" The blonde whined and shooed the other. Gumball snorted, "you still play those? I don' know, Custard, that's kinda for babies, if ya ask me" his southern accent getting thicker as he made fun of the child.

  Custard noticed this, his eyes widening as he got an idea to fire back at the other. Custard smiled widely as he pulled on the most exaggerated southern accent he could attempt. 

  "Well, at least I don' gOt a stUpid accEnt lIke ya dO partNer" Gumball's eye twitched at this, 'he did NOT just do that!'. "Custard, your game is for babies, little girls" Gumball tried to Ignore the mocking and continued to try and press Custard's buttons.

  He was about to laugh, he had finally found what ticks the artist off. The blonde squinted, he was gonna abuse this power to its finest. "M fine with thAt, as lOng as I don' sOund lIke a cOwbOy" he teased, the older grumbled at his stupidity.

  "I'm gonna sock ya soon and you're not gonna like it" he threatened but Custard kept on to see how far he could take this. Payback for all the times he bothered him, besides how bad could it get.



  Custard screamed as he tried to outrun his angry brother. He wanted to be scared but he couldn't stop laughing at how angry he had gotten. "GET BACK HERE YA FUCKER" Gumball shouted, chasing Custard around the house.

  Custard lost his footing and was tackled by the angry teen. He was about to kick him when Herb hurried in and pulled Gumball off by the back of his tank top. Custard breathed out and cackled at his older brother, who was dangling above the hardwood floor.

  Herb furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at Gumball trying to reach Custard. Custard saw his face and whistled, making the other furiously cover his ears. "Who started it this time?" he sighed, done with their fighting. "HE WAS MOCKIN ME" Gumball complained.

  Of course he was. He had kinda figured the kid would come for Gumball's accent eventually, but why did it have to be today. Herb breathed out and rubbed the bridge of his nose, "Custard, stop making fun of your brother's accent. Gumball, stop picking fights with. Your. Brother!" Custard snickered at him getting scolded, not even caring that he was also being scolded.

  "Custard, go to your room, I have to make dinner" Herb ordered as he shooed the kid away. Custard ran off but before he shut the door he stuck his tongue out at the other making Gumball more agitated. Herb just glanced at Gumball and huffed, setting him down on a chair.

  The boy leaned back and rolled his eyes. He was gonna punch him later. 


  Dinner was almost peaceful. Custard kept snickering at Gumball as he watched him eat. The pinkette was thinking about making his brother eat paint again but he didn't feel like he could get away with it at this very moment. Everything aside, they were having a staring contest, making Pancake very uncomfortable as he sat in between the two.

  Sparkling cocked an eyebrow at Herb as his husband rested his face in his hands. The blonde was so confused as to what had happened today. 

  Gumball was about to ignore Custard until he noticed the iPad kid locked eyes with him again. His cyan eyes hold a glint of mischief that you would find in the teens' eyes constantly. He held his stare as he reached for an object from under his chair, smiling when his fingers came in contact with a familiar hat. 

  He quickly pulled it up and set the cowboy hat on his head, looking proud of himself. Gumball on the other hand did NOT like it one bit. He popped all the joints in his hands to keep him from attacking his brother, but it just wasn't enough. Custard smirked, "wEal pArtner, no need to get all peeved with me, ra now, we're just goofin an gaffin" he exclaimed teasingly. That was the last straw.

  Custard learned this reaction earlier and ran out of his seat as the frustrated boy dashed after him. Herb dropped his forehead onto the table and Sparkling stood to go stop them from making any worse decisions than they already have. "YOU'RE NOT FUNNY CUSTARD! CUT IT OUT ALREADY!" Gumball thundered, angry tears threatening to spill from his water line. The younger blonde still wasn't taking any of this seriously for the fact that his brother did this to him all the time.

  Gumball gripped the kid's sleeve but before he could do any damage Sparkling grabbed the two boys, separating them. "Does anyone mind telling me what the hell just happened?!" He said sternly, yet keeping his voice down to not scare them. Gumball kept quiet knowing that if he spoke he'd throw a fit, so he just stood there. Custard looked away, "I was trying to back at him for messing with me all the time".

  Sparkling frowned "you two need to learn to coexist in the same house and to respect each other sometimes, now go ahead," he let go of them. ",Apologise" Custard looked back at him ready to come up with an excuse but the dad just stopped him. He huffed and hugged Gumball, trying to say sorry without words. 

  The pinkette was gonna push him away but ended up accepting it so it wouldn't be awkward later. While they were hugging it out, Herb lifted his head tiredly "thank you, I honestly don't know how you do it". The three came back to the table and sat down, resuming their dinner back to the way it normally is. 

  While that all happens, Pancake just sat there the entire time watching it go down like some kind of soap opera. He'll admit it too, he also mocks Gumball's accent. Just not when he's around.

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