-"Why are y'all so needy?"-

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Custard and Gumball were running around the living room. Custard was chasing him, he stole his crown and was gonna beat Gumball up for it even if he didn't win. "You're not gonna get it you IPAD KID" Gumball teased. Custard. was. livid. He was gonna get it.

The blond almost got him when Sparkling spoke from the kitchen, "boys, knock it off". They paused and looked to their dad's displeased gaze, "sorry, dad" they both said in unison and slumped. Gumball huffed and tossed the crown back to the younger. Custard kicked him in the leg and ran off before the pinkette could get to him.

Herb came back in from outside, looking around the room he saw Pancake drifting off on the couch. He smiled and took his shoes off to go to the tired child. He sat next to him as Pancake droopily looked at him, "go change into pjs, I'll be there to tuck you in after I drag your rowdy brothers in there" Pancake nodded tiredly and hugged him.

"Custard, Gumball, time for bed, go get ready" the boys nodded and ran to the bedroom to change. Herb shook his head and smiled, he stood up to stretch. The leaf man walked to his husband and hugged him from behind, burying his face in his back. Sparkling turned off the sink as he put the last plate on the drying rack, "Come on, lets go tuck those little rascals in" Herb mumbled.

Sparkling laughed as his husband let go of him, "Ok I'm comin". He wrapped his arms around Herb's waist and dried his hands on his back. Herb glared at him "If you dry your wet hands on my back again, I'm telling Yam that you bothered Milk while he was busy". Sparkling kissed his cheek, "Mmm love you too, honey". They let go and headed to the kids room.

They saw the kids all in their matching pajamas and laying down, with the exception of Gumball reading a comic book. He looked up to see his dads standing there and put a bookmark in, setting it on the nightstand. Pancake snored quietly as the two parents went around the room giving their goodnights.

They turned off the lights and left, the room now only lit by the plug in Toystory nightlight for Custard. Gumball rolled over and tried to sleep but it just wasn't working so he got up.


The kids were tucked in and the house was quiet for once. Sparkling and Herb were in bed cuddling and talking every now and then. Herb sighed as rested his forehead against his husband's shoulder, "this is nice" he whispered, pulling him closer by his waist.

Herb opened his eyes as they met the tired green ones in front of him, how'd he get such a pretty man? He hummed and moved his hand up to caress Sparkling's cheek. "You're so pretty", Sparkling smiled at the compliment and buried his face in Herb's chest.

"We should go see a movie tomorrow while the kids are at school, we haven't done that in awhile" he softly spoke. Sparkling kissed Herb's nose, "hopefully I don't get called into work during the film" Herb snickered and nodded.

They laid in the comforting silence, just enjoying each other's warm embrace. Herb was about to fall asleep as was Sparkling.

"HOO hOo"

Gumball had opened the door and jumped on the bed. Collapsing in between his dads while scaring them in the process. Herb just let go of Sparkling and scooted over so Gumball wasn't lying entirely on them.

They both looked at him wide eyed as Herb steadied his breath "Gumball, hunny, you're supposed to be in bed" Herb sighed. Gumball huffed, bringing his blanket closer to his face "I was lonely and couldn't sleep, I forgot my meds at the church" he mumbled.

"So I came in here" the teen shyly looked at the ceiling, trying to avoid eye contact. "It's ok, kiddo, just try to get some rest. Don't want you falling asleep in class again" Sparkling teased and patted his shoulder. "Just be more careful next time, nearly gave your dad a heart attack there" Herb joked and rubbed his shoulder.

Gumball smiled and nodded, he tried again but it didn't work. Herb and Sparkling were almost asleep, why can't he do it? Gumball was frustrated, he was tired and nothing was working. The pinkette opened his mouth to say something but ended up closing it instead. He didn't want to bother them any further tonight.

He glanced back at the door as quick little footsteps were heard. The two ipad kids burst in with Custard slightly teary eyed and a nervous Pancake. The breakfast cookie looked at Gumball as the teen shot up, "Gumballll, Custard had another nightmare but we couldn't find you and got worried". Sparkling rolled over to look at the startled boys and yawned.

"Come here you two, are you ok kiddo? You can sleep in here if you want" Sparkling yawned. Custard rapidly nodded and jumped on the tall bed, wiggling in between Gumball and Herb. Sparkling helped pull Pancake up on the bed as he laid on top of him and his brother.

Custard clung to Gumball as Herb rubbed circles into his back to calm him down, telling him he's gonna be ok. Pancake fell asleep almost immediately while Sparkling hummed a soft tune as a lullaby. He looked over at his oldest when he felt his arm being hugged and smiled as he saw the boy finally sleeping.

"I can't believe you little rascals sometimes, y'all are so needy" he calmly whispered, trying to not wake them up. He kissed their foreheads and reset his alarm for the morning so the kids wouldn't get to school late.

Setting his phone back on the nightstand he looked to Herb and mumbled a goodnight to him. Herb smiled back and booped him on the nose and giggled tiredly. They smiled at each other warmly and drifted off.

No matter how clingy the kids were at times, it didn't ever bother them. They made sure that all three got enough attention as they never got any before.

-(1037 words)-

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