-"I'm....hungry?"- (cannibal au)

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-Ayoo, Ghost here! This is not conected to the main au! I just wanted to give a couple trigger warnings for this particular oneshot! If there is somthin I didn't add but you think would be necessary addin to the warning please tell me imeadeatly! Thank you! <3

*Triggers include: graphic depictions of homicide and cannibalism, heavy gore, mentions of drinking and vomiting, break downs and people slowly going crazy! Please continue at your own risk!*

"Hey Dad, I'm going out into the forest by the town park for a little while!" That is how this chase had started, it was never supposed to end up like this.

Now he was sprinting through the forest chasing after a certain strawberry blonde girl. All the trees started to blur together as he could only focus on Strawberry.

Gumball caught up quickly as his shoes echoed with heavy steps throughout the area. He grunted as his eyes stared wildly as if he were an animal.

He jumped forward, grabbed the hood of her jacket, and tackled her. Slamming her hard into the dirt of the forest floor as she let out cries of pain. She tried getting up but he hit his shoe against her gut before she could fight back, making her yelp.

Taking a rock, he raised it high in the air and brought it down at full force, bashing it roughly into her forehead. Blood was sprinkling on his fingers as Strawberry started to lose consciousness.

The pinkette fastened his hands around her neck to shut her up, she just wouldn't. Shut. Up. Gumball was strangling Strawberry as she kicked and trembled underneath him.

Why why why, why is he doing this?

Gumball realized that his body demanded more than ordinary food. He decided to give in to the voices for once to see what they wanted and the outcome doesn't seem so pretty.

But he couldn't stop. He just kept watching her face turn all shades of indigo and violet as her croaks for help died down into hoarse incoherent mumbles. Gumball semi came back to his senses when he felt her stop struggling, now noticing that her body had gone limp.

He shakily slumped back on the dirt and stared down at the girl's fresh corpse. Huffing as the adrenalin rush came down. He raised his hand to hover over her arm and thought for a second, did he want to eat his classmate?

He shook his head until those thoughts fell right out of his ear, he needed this. Glaring down at her body, he began to pull at her skin. Each tear made a horrid ripping sound that would make anyone's stomach churn something awful.

But this only made him hungrier.

So he quickened the ripping process and started shoving chunks and handfuls of flesh into his mouth. The iron taste of the blood made him want more until he was full. He slowed down and kept a steady pace so he wouldn't choke.

Rip, chew, swallow

Rip, chew, swallow

He underestimated how hungry he was until he noticed he had devoured both her arms. Weeks of not knowing why he was never full, no matter how much he ate. He had found the reason.

He was halfway done with her stomach until he heard a rustle in the bushes around him.


"Ok Custard, see, isn't it a nice day" Sparkling rambled on to his son as they strolled through the brush. They were coming to retrieve his oldest for dinner, for it was starting to get dark and they didn't want him getting lost.

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