-"Shh, I wanna watch the movie!"-

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Milk ran down the stairs of the church as he was gathering blankets and pillows for their movie night. Dark Choco and Yam had finally gotten back from their mission and the white haired man was not gonna waste a single second.

He ended up missing the last step in his excitement and was about to hit the tiled floor. He was ready for the impact until Yam quickly ran over and caught him. "Can you WATCH where you're going next time?" Yam said, very annoyed.

Milk just giggled and rubbed his head further into his chest, "Sorry, sorry! I'm just happy that you're back, I missed y'all!". Yam lightly blushed and let go of Milk, grumbling while taking some of the blankets from him, "heyy, I was helping Dark Chocoo" Milk whined.

Yam rolled his eyes as he tossed the blankets on the couch and fell onto it. Milk huffed as he walked over and flopped down next to Yam, leaning against him as he pouted.

Yam just pulled Milk into his lap and grabbed a blanket. He wrapped it tight around the smaller man, making him into a blanket burrito. Milk laughed and tried to move his arms but couldn't, causing him to go into a fit of giggles. Oh my god, if Milk didn't cut this cute fucking behavior out he was going to die.

Dark Choco came back to the living room and smiled at Milk's adorableness. No matter how much Milk hated it, Dark Choco loved his laugh, it was cute to him. Yam was trying to suppress a smile as he kissed the shorter's cheek.

The cookie's giggles died down when he saw the other walk in the room, "Oo, Yam lemme up, I wanna put the movie on this time". Yam let go of Milk as he unraveled himself from the blanket and jumped off the couch to get the dvd. Dark sat on the opposite end of the couch from Yam as he glared at the other.

Yam looked away from him, acting as if he didn't see the man. Milk came back and slid the disc into the dvd player, he ran back to the couch. Sitting in between the two guys, he snatched the remote and pressed play.


The night was chill but it soon changed when Milk started to get clingy towards Dark Choco. He was hugging him in a death grip while the other man looked unfazed by it, just pulling him into his lap.

You'd think they'd left for a long time, but in reality it was a week.

It happens a lot, especially after a mission that didn't require Milk. It was tolerable at first until he started rubbing it in Yam's face that he had Milk and the other didn't. Yam was trying to stay calm and not fight him but he was making it just about impossible to not rip his face open.

Dark Choco leaned down and pressed a kiss to the back of Milk's head while making direct eye contact with Yam. He hugged the albino from behind, pulling him closer just to spite the purple man.

Milk just leaned further into it, he was a bit touch starved from the week they were gone, so he was trying to gather all he could get. Yam was about to fight him.

Milk had no idea what was going on between the two and was watching the movie while they had a silent fight. He was practically melting at the touch of Dark and almost fell asleep in the warm embrace. Until Yam pulled him over to him.

Milk just looked at him confused but Yam started messing with his white curls so he shrugged and flopped down onto his chest, hugging him. Yam smirked, it was Dark Choco's turn to be angry as he stared him down.

Milk looked over and suddenly realized what was happening, he could practically feel Dark Choco glare at Yam. He pouted, sitting up properly and crossing his arms over his chest, "why do y'all have to fight all the time, you left me by myself for a week, do you know how scary that was?" He had horrible separation anxiety and them leaving took a toll on him.

Dark Choco sighed and leaned over and kissed his forehead, "We're sorry, it's a jealous response, please forgive us". Milk tilted his head confused, "why are you jealous?" Yam just rolled his eyes, he was cute but dense as hell "He's being a little BITCH because I wanted to cuddle with you". He gasped "Yam, language!" The man just mumbled his apologies.

Though Milk seemed to understand and nodded, quickly responding "aw, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel jealous..... ooo I have an idea!" He grabbed Dark Choco's arm and pulled him closer to where they were against each other. "There!" The shorter happily exclaimed looking very proud of himself.

Dark smiled, "Mm, that's sweet but... I still don't want him to cuddle you" Milk frowned and gave him an unamused look. Dark Choco huffed and ruffled his hair, "fine, I'm kidding" he rolled his eye.

Yam snickered at him as Milk laid his head on Dark's shoulder, feeling content with his answer. He hummed as Yam played with his hair. They went back to watching the movie, both not as angry as before.

Yam was about to say something but was quickly shushed by Dark. He was about to fire back until he heard the light snores from Milk. He didn't want to wake him up so he shut his mouth.

Milk readjusted in his sleep to lay against Dark Choco and grabbed Yam's arm to use as a teddy bear. He guessed he could go a little soft and let him have it, he was cute anyways so he ignored it.

They both watched the movie credits scroll as the film ended, not saying a word to the other. Stuck in a silent agreement, just for Milk.

-(1004 wordss)-

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