-"I'll protect you anytime"-

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(Haha y'all thought y'all were gonna get a holiday chapter, you thought!- Ghost X))

The halls were a boring tiled pattern. Soda was roaming around the school during his free period. He had nothing better to do because Gumball was in detention. The idiot decided it would be a good idea to backtalk the principal.

Now he was just wandering around, trying to find something to do. He was about to go to the bathroom until he heard scared chatter from around the corner. He paused and listened for a second to make sure he wasn't intruding on anything. Then Soda's eyes widened, he knew that voice, it was Custard's.

Soda sprinted around the corner to see the kid was surrounded by Devil and Rollcake Cookie. They were pushing Custard around as he fell to the floor, scraping his knee. "Get up, dyslexic freak!" Devil laughed. Custard didn't listen and pushed himself away, his back hitting the wall. Tears started to blur his vision as they came closer.

"Aw, is the baby gonna cry?" They teased as his face turned red.

Soda jogged over and shoved the boys away so they couldn't do any more damage. "What's going on?!" The blunette exclaimed, they just looked at him and snickered. Rollcake responded first, "the bitch can't read, this isn't the first grade, princey".

Soda groaned and narrowed his eyes at them, "So, why is that any of your business? Congratulations, you're bullying a kid for something he can't control". Rollcake tossed his eyes to the side, "why should we care about what you think, fag". Soda glared, they ignored him and tried to reach for Custard again.

The blonde curled into a ball and started sobbing, it hurt Soda to hear this. He balled up his fist and watched as it collided with Devil's cheek leaving them slightly dazed. He then gripped their shirt collar, "Listen to me and listen carefully! if you don't leave him alone, I'll make sure that you won't walk tomorrow." The redhead's eyes widened as Soda let go of their shirt.

He fell to his feet and flew off, leaving Rollcake behind, they didn't feel like testing Soda anymore today. Soda switched his focus to the other boy as he locked eyes with him, he waited for a second then hurried after his friend. The taller sighed and glanced down at Custard, he was still trembling.

He knelt down and pulled a small pack out of his bag, "let me see, Custard" he said, getting the boy's attention. He rubbed his eyes and extended his leg to let Soda see his knee. Soda opened the pack and pulled out some disinfectant and a bandaid.

He poured the disinfectant onto a wipe and held it above his knee. "This is gonna hurt a bit but it'll help before it gets worse" he spoke calmly, Custard nodded then hissed at the stinging sensation on his knee. He didn't like the wipe, it stung.

As soon as the pain came it disappeared making Custard huff in a relieved tone. "I normally have this stuff for Gumball, you know how stupid your older brother is with his condition" Soda joked in an attempt to make him feel better.

Custard snickered a bit but quickly caught himself, hoping Soda didn't catch him laughing at something he said. The taller chuckled, having heard him but chose to ignore it to humor the boy. He tossed the wipe aside and pulled open the neon-colored band-aid.

Before he stuck it on, he grabbed a tissue and dried the area around the scrape so it wouldn't fall off. "You good now, dude?" Soda asked as he zipped the pack back up and threw it in his bag. "I'm fine, thank you very much" Custard replied, going back into his 'I hate Soda' mood.

Soda stood up and threw away the trash, not even fazed by it. He swung his bag back over his shoulder and held his hand out for Custard to take. The boy glanced, determining if Soda was gonna prank him or not. He cautiously took it because he didn't want to sit on the floor anymore.

The blunette quickly pulled him to his feet, making the blonde almost lose his balance. He glared at the other as he patted his head. He swatted his hand away "Why are you being nice to me?" Custard interrogated him.

Soda shrugged, "Why would I be rude to you?" this confused Custard. The surfer shook his head, he led him to a bench down the hall and sat down. "How long has that been happening?" He asked even if he probably wouldn't answer. The child huffed in annoyance, turning away from the other and crossing his arms.

"A couple of weeks" he sadly admitted, Soda didn't expect him to reply so easily. He frowned, "I can help you, you know," he said, trying to reassure him. "We have a lot more in common than you think" Sofa confessed, Custard just looked at him as if he were an alien. He got curious though, how could this idiot be similar to him? So he asked.

"How so" the blonde uncrossed his arms, his defenses coming down ever so slightly. Soda sadly smiled "you're not the only one with a horrible father, my birth dad is also a bitch" he paused for a second but quickly continued. "We both feel the need to be good at everything, we... I don't know, there's quite a bit" he hummed as he listed things off.

Custard groaned at this, he didn't want to be similar to Soda, but he listened anyway. The kid nodded at the older one as he seemed to understand. The blunette stood up and stretched, "do what you want with that info, I think you need to get back to class, who's your teacher?" He chuckled, the blonde got up "Ms.Latte" he answered.

Soda perked up "Oh cool, I know her so I think she'll know what's up and your situation". Custard didn't know how Soda had so many ties with the staff but he wasn't gonna complain for once because it was keeping him out of trouble. They walked down the halls to the 4th-grade classroom and you could hear chatter from inside.

Soda knocked on the door and Latte opened it almost immediately. "Oh hello Custard, I was confused on why I didn't see you" she then glanced over as Soda waved at her. "Heyo Ms.Latte, there was a problem in the hallway with 2 other students but I handled it" Soda said with pride in his voice.

Latte smiled "I swear kid, we're gonna need you to start working here! Well come on Custard, I'll fix your attendance and get you caught up" she laughed. Custard was about to walk in but turned about and gave Soda a quick hug. "If you tell Gumball about this I'm gonna do something evil to you!" The boy threatened, Soda only chuckled "gotcha, my lips are sealed, see ya".

After the teen left Latte brought Custard back in and helped him with his work. He didn't want to admit it but Soda was a decent guy. Even if he's dating Custard's older brother.

-(1195 words)-

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