-"You don't like dirt?"-

476 11 18

  (Idk6898 heres ur dumb chapter, you better bring ur end of the deal to the table soon or we gon have to fight >:[ )

  "Hey Sparkle, I wanna show you something" Herb poked his head through the door, his apron covered in dirt. Sparkling raised an eyebrow and eyed the dirt, not wanting to get messy.

  He was arranging some orders for some drinks that needed restocking but he was curious and could always just avoid the dirt. The blonde chuckled "I'm coming, I'm coming" Sparkling got up and followed his husband outside.

  Herb just grabbed his hand and pulled him along. Which would be fine if it wasn't also covered in dirt. He could feel each individual grain of dirt but he can try and ignore it for now. 

  As the leaf man practically dragged him along, Sparkling had a mini panic as he almost stepped into a hole. The blonde nervously laughed "Hey hun, can you slow down a bit" he really didn't want his husband to know the true extent of his issues. Herb quickly realized he was walking too fast and came to an abrupt stop making Sparkling bump into him. 

  His eyes widened as Herb tried to hug him as an apology, but he accidentally sidestepped him. Herb gave him a confused look and reached out to hold his cheek, making the other lean back to avoid it. Herb's brown eyes softened "babe, are you feeling alright today? You seem uncomfortable" he took another step forward. Sparkling stepped back "I'm okay, I promise," he said hesitantly. 

  Herb gave him a look and pursed his lips "are you sure, you don't seem ok" he took another step. The blonde's green eyes darted to the other's shoes approaching him and met his eyes again "I don't know why you don't believe me, it's all good". The leaf man was growing more worried by the second "maybe cause you hesitated".

  Sparkling was about to fire back another excuse but before he could he felt his shoe get caught on something. It happens so fast too.

  He was just standing almost perfectly clean, but not anymore. No, he had to have tumbled into a pile of fertilizer. Sparkling tried to look up at Herb to get his reaction too but he jerked his head too fast and the contents of a pot fell on his head. The whole thing was straight out of a cartoon that you would find Pancake watching. This was it, he couldn't move anymore.

  Herb was about to laugh until he saw his husband shaking like a leaf yet stiff as a board, he didn't know how he could be both. The blonde's eyes were as wide as saucers and he was ready to cry right here right now, "hElp mEe" he slightly whimpered. The leaf man didn't know what was happening until it clicked, Sparkling had a problem with being dirty and was a massive germaphobe. He didn't know it was this bad though.

  Herb sighed and knelt down to look his husband in the eye "hey Spark, why didn't you tell me you were afraid of being messy". Sparkling choked up, a tear slipped by leaving a clean trail. Herb went to cup his cheek again, not like he could move anyway. He was far too muddy. He wiped the tear with his thumb and gave him a sweet smile "let's get you cleaned up".

  He wrapped an arm around his waist and hoisted him into a bridal hold, Sparkling internally thanked him over a thousand times. Herb carried him back inside and to their bathroom so he could run Sparkling a bath. He quickly shut the door and set him down on the toilet seat. The florist started the water and checked it until it was warm, stopping it when full.

  He turned back to the man covered in dirt "do you want help?" Sparkling gave him a small mhm as he was growing more uncomfortable by the second as his skin felt like it was tightening. Herb shortly noticed and helped him carefully undress himself. He tossed the clothes into a hamper and picked up his husband, gently setting him in the water. 

  "Is it too hot?" He softly asked, Sparkling shook his head the best he could and Herb hummed a tune as he nabbed a pale yellow loofah. Pouring a good amount of soap onto it, he began to scrub away at the dirt. Sparkling glanced over at Herb apologetically "I'm sorry for knocking over your plant and causing you to worry".

  Herb just gave him a look that practically said that he didn't care "Sparkling, why would I put the plant's needs over yours? I have over 50, I'm just glad you're not mad at me". This spiked his confusion, "why would I be upset with you, you didn't do anything".

  Herb chuckled as he poured some shampoo into the blonde's hair "you kept avoiding me, I thought I did something to make you upset". Sparkling leaned his head back into Herb's hands "Nah, you were just covered in dirt". The florist sighed as he scooped some water into a cup and poured it on his husband's head to wash out the soap.

  "Just tell me next time about your dirty texture thing, I learned about our son's issues the other day and you never told me yours" Sparkling chuckled, feeling better now that he was clean "sorry, sorry, I'll explain them better". Herb continued to wash him as they talked in the now calm atmosphere. 

  Sparkling explained that he couldn't deal with being dirty or sticky and that it upset his senses. Herb listened and understood every bit of it, asking questions every now and then about specific things he could do to make him feel more comfortable. 

  "That's why my mom hates you?!" Sparkling nodded, unamused by Herb's surprise. Herb was about to help Sparkling into a towel when they heard the bathroom door open. "I found them, they're in-" Pancake paused and just stood there, his face going blank. Both of the dad's eyes went wide as they watched Pancake slowly shut the door and runoff.

  They looked back at each other and cracked a couple of stupid smiles as they were embarrassed by the kid. Herb helped Sparkling out of the bath with him quietly thanking him for the help. He wrapped a towel around himself and stepped back into their bedroom to get dressed.


  They were laying in bed, Sparkling had his head propped on Herb's chest "are you sure you're not mad about the plant?". Herb kissed the other's forehead "Sparkle, I swear, if I was I would have thrown a fit in the shed, I'll fix it later". Sparkling snickered "so you're not mad, but you're still gonna throw that fit in the shed".

  "Oh you know I'm gonna throw that fit tomorrow, now go to sleep, I saw your work schedule for tomorrow" Sparkling groaned as he remembered that he had a busy day in the morning. They kissed their good night's and drifted off. Both tangled together in a small mess.

  -(1168 wordz)-

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