1 [ god ]

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Yashiko Tama's POV

Guess what?! My boring life has finally ended! It's not that im looking forward to it but it's really boring and tiring

I wont tell you my story 'cause it's really uninteresting since im only working nonstop

How did i die?? It's just like the stories you read on other stories, yes i died because of truck kun

I was walking while using my phone and an earphone stucks at my ears playing musics then suddenly a truck hits me before i can even react so dont ever do this kids

Btw im Yashiko Tama, it sounds like a girl's name but im a man and a bl fan
What's wrong with being a man and liking bls?? We have our own preferences ok?!

back to the story, im standing while staring at this giant light ball, it's shining but not too bright and it's like a crystal but doesn't look fragile

"Stop staring"

I heard a sound so i look around and saw nothing so i stares back at the light ball in front of me

"I know im beautiful but stop staring like im a weird creature"

i flinched when i heard someone talking again

I look around again to see who it is but saw no one

"Idiot, I'm in front of you"

I look at the ball in front of me "ball?? You're the one who's talking?"

"Im not a ball! Im a GOD ok?!" It yelled at me making me flinch

Am i hallucinating?? I asked myself

"No, you're not" the ball talked again

"Did you just read my mind?!" Out of shock i suddenly yelled at it

"I told you I'm a God" it sighed

"No God is cursing so what are you?" I asked again

"Argghh nevermind, anyways you die--" the ball is not done yet at talking when i interrupted it

"I know" i sighed

"Yeah right, anyways dont cut me yet! So what was i talking is im thinking about reincarnating you to another world"

I looks at it again and got bewildered

"You mean ill live another boring life?? Nevermind let me rest eternally" i said with a bored tone and uninterested face

"Even if the novel you especially like??"

My eyes lit up "You mean the DOMINANCE?? Of course i would love to" i grinned at it

"Seriously?! Fine fine anyways what magics,skills or what would you like to have?"

"I dont know"

"Ok fine" suddenly there's a holographic screen in front of me and there's a words writtened there, Ohh so it's like a bunch of choices lol

As i was scrolling through it, i saw an "hourglass" i click it and saw the description

[Hourglass, using hourglass you can change the time whether it's from the past, present or future and also you can stop the time]

Stop the time--- oh oh!! I would love to i can read many bls all i want

I grinned and i was about to click confirm but the ball suddenly said "Think carefully"

I pout and looks at another choices

While i was scrolling i ask the ball

"How many i can have??" I ask curiously

"3" i nodded at its response

"Then ill pick storage,healing and also invincibility" i nodded at myself and clicks the confirm

[Storage - an eternity or infinite storage where you can stock whatever you like, the time stops there so if you like to hide your food without getting molded then there it is]

[Healing - as the title says healing is a power which you can heal others but this healing is above the others, common healing is only you can heal others but not yourself but this special healing can heal whatever living is whether your self, others or even animals]

[Invincibility - using this i can hide myself to peek at others lovey dovey privacy, just kidding. Common Invincibility have limits but this is also special since im also special lol, it is unlimited]

Why did i chose non combat type?? I already have a strong body, im not bluffing. Well, as if something will happen anyway

"Done? Let's proceed to reincarnating"

Before ill even start talking everything went black.

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