7 [ potion ]

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Im so dumbfounded, really... my eyes twitched

"Why there's four of you?, i told the both of you that only you two can come here, why there's another two?" I frowned

Theo and zen got bewildered

"Another two?" They both asked at the same time

I stared at their eyes, they didn't knew??

I sighed and looks at the bush

"Get the both of you out of the bush" i said with a cold voice

The bush rustled and the other two kids came out, they walks toward us

"How did you knew?" The other kid asked confusedly

"Presence" i mumbled but they still heard it

"Impossible we did our best to hide!" the other one proclaimed

"Why did the both of you tailed them?" I frowned

"Dont look at us like that! We're older than you"

"I know" i said uninterested

They got bewildered but shrugs it off

"Let's go inside" i said voluntarily

The four of them hesitated a bit but agreeds anyways

We're already inside my hideout, i ask them to sit and they did so i went to my mini kitchen, it's not really a kitchen but let's just call it a kitchen

I made a juice and put some biscuits on the plates and sit on the chair in front of the four kids

They was about to get the biscuits but i suddenly spoke "now speak" i said in a calm voice

They pouted "well, while we're playing we saw theo and zen sneaking out and we got confused so we decided to tail them" they averted their eyes "sorry" they said at the same time

I facepalmed "fine, just keep this a secret or else"

"Or else??" They both asked synchronizing

"Ill cut your d" i said with a serious voice and stern face

They flinched and suddenly touched their crotch

I laughed out loud "just kidding" they calmed a bit "but if you want to, i can" i grinned that makes them glared at me

After they calmed down they get the biscuits and started to eat

I changed the subject and asked for their names to avoid suspicions while they're eating

"Im leo and he is ren, we're both count's and earl's sons" leo said while still chewing the biscuit

I nodded at him and stands up, we went to a space were we can make a potion

I started to prepare the ingredients and while i was holding a mini-like container with a liquid ren asks me "what's that?"

"God's blessings" i said in a low voice but they still heard it they looks at me like they saw a ghost

[Well you're a ghost]

Im not, ball. They just saw a deity-like human in front of them

[Stop assuming things and i already told you i have a name and im a god]

I know, i know. Now stop talking

They're still starstrucked so i did my business

When they came to their senses i already finished the potion.

God's blessings is literally the god's blessing mixed in a liquid which can be used as healing for incurable diseases effectively. This is a rare liquid, you can only obtain it if you have enough faith in god and since lucas got reincarnated by gen it is attainable

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