10 [ protagonist ]

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Lucas's POV

I felt someones gaze and wondered my eyes, i noticed my kiel staring at me with his cold eyes

Aight imma go marry this man, JUST LOOK AT HIM! Even his eyes looks cold it's still looks hot hayss

Anyways, i looked away while trying my best to hide my flushed cheeks secretly

Hey gen can you pinch me? I was wondering if this is a freaking dream! Like im just a mob, why would a prince will look at me

[I dont have hands for now you idiot. Where's your confidence earlier?]

I feel like gen smirks so i frowned

Im good at teasing but im bad at getting teased, got it?

[Yeah yeah i dont care]

This bi-- nevermind

I stood up and walks towards the veranda while still holding the wineglass

I leaned on the railings while drinking my wine and my mind wondered a bit

"He really looks handsome, should i marry kiel now?" I asked my self and chuckled not noticing i said it out loud

I was staring at the sky when i suddenly heard someone choked

I looked around and saw kiel looking at me intensely while covering his mouth, i felt nervous "hi?"

"Marry who?" He glared at me

Then my mind blanked. Shit did i just said it out loud unconsciously??

I looked at the sky again trying to hide my embarrassment "did i say something??" i looked at him while smiling hesitantly

He gave a stern face and tsk then walks away

I chuckled out my nervousness. I thought i was gonna die-- oh wait, i thought he's a sadist male lead?? Why didn't he hurt me??

[You wanna get hurt? Bdsm is your type now?]

Bekxhwkshwbs where did you get that word gen?!

[From your memories of course]

I facepalmed and leaned my face on the railings, that's a secret you shit

After i calmed down i drank my remaining wine

I guess the sadist side of the male lead is only a rumor? Since the novel i read is only focusing on the protagonist's and 3rd's point of view

I nodded at myself as if everything makes sense

I stayed for a while on the veranda till i yawned, i put down the wine glass on the mini table and left

I was walking on the hall way when i accidentally saw kiel talking to someone, i stared at the boy in front of him then realized that the description in the novel suits the young man - it's the male protagonist on the novel

I was still staring at them when i realized they're also looking at me, kiel and i made an eyecontact

I flinched and my eyes widened. Kiel signaled to go to them, i calmed my self then smiled sheepishly

"I didn't knew crowned prince vasilias has kin eyes" i hope my cheeks aren't that red as tomato out of embarrassment

"Well, i didn't also knew that mister keanos loves to stalk people" kiel said making my eyes widened and glared at him then i realized what i did

I bowed at him and apologized. I still wanna live to see your lovey dovey scenes with the protagonist!

The hall is filled with silence, only the musics inside you can hear.

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