17 [ friend ]

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It's been a week since the ambush happened, the people already calmed down and inspected the area

The admin decided to continue the school again after a couple of months

When they received the letter of notice some of them are happy and some of them are upset but lucas's group doesn't care

All of them suddenly wanted to meet up but Lucas's father doesn't want to let his son to go outside for now so Lucas's friends decided to go to his house

Now they were in the garden while drinking tea, from the looks of the outsider they were relaxing and enjoying their time but they didn't knew they were already planning what to do

"The admin said we'll go back to school after a few months--" zen suddenly interrupted by his friends

"We know" they all said synchronizing that made zen only rolled his eyes

Luke chuckled and continued what zen was about to say "so what are we gonna do now??"

"Train" kiel said plainly while lucas who's drinking his tea suddenly choked

Lucas's POV

Train you said?? Damn i haven't thought about that

['Cause you are dumb and an idiot one]

Gen? Wtf? You can still communicate with me on my mind even if you are a cat?? And also dumb and idiot is the same what the heck are you saying tsk tsk im not dumb ok, you're the dumb one kitty ball

[Wtf is a kitty ball, anyways i learned that i can communicate with you just a few days ago and stop babbling nonsense]

Im not

[Yeah yeah, oh right you should listen to that guy he's right that you all should train first since they might attack again]

For the first time i agreed with you

I heard a tsk coming from gen so i chuckled subconsciously

"Why are you laughing lucas??" Theo looked at me in bewilderment

"Nothing i just remembered something" i shook my head "oh right, i agree with kiel's idea. We need to train so we're prepared for the upcoming war" i suddenly shut my mouth as i realized that i said that there'll be a war

They chuckled at me as if they doesn't believed what i just said, i sighed in relief but i saw on my peripheral vision that kiel, luke and leon is looking at me weirdly

I shook it off then we continued with the topic

We decided to train 5 times per week and we'll do the training on my hideout which is quite large now for our training session

After the discussion they decided to leave so i agreed and sent them off but luke and leon stayed

We just sat quietly while the tea is already cold, i called a maid to clean the table and she nodded then did her work

After she left, luke suddenly coughed to cleared his throat "so... about the plan that we'll train i dont think i can train for 5 days every week since im quite busy"

I nodded slowly then looks at leon "it's also the same to me" he said while looking at me seriously

I nodded at him "it's okay i understand" that's what i said but it's weird that they're both busy especially this time

They nodded back then left the place as i sent them off

It was a weird day, it feels off especially luke and leon

[They look sus]

Yeah but i hope it's not what we think, btw where are you??

[following someone]


[someone who look sus]

Really?? Where??

[Dont ask me i also dont know where but i know it's quite far from your house

Ohh, be safe

[Of course ill be, what's the point of being god if im useless asf]

[Btw this guy, i sense dark aura on him since earlier]

Earlier?? What do you mean??

[Yeah, he's close to you i guess? But since im still not sure if he's really suspicious i wont tell you who is it]


[Im not, i just want you to be happy]

Stop im getting cringe all over my body but anyways thank you

I didn't heard a response so i decided to enter the house since im still in the garden

As i was about to enter the house i felt a gaze towards me, i turned around and searched around to see but i saw no one

I cautiously entered the house as i was still feeling the gaze earlier that sent shiver on my body

I rushed towards my room and searched for my journal back then and turned the pages after i scanned through it again

Im now sure that the story really changed, is it because of my sudden appearance?? I dont know anymore but the novel said that i written on my journal is the war will only start if an ambush occurred but it'll take 20 years! And im only like 17 years old now?? Why is it so fast?? We're aren't ready yet, luke hasn't awakened his special ability yet, he'll only awaken it after his 19th birthday but he just turned 18 last month and the war will start in a few months

As i was getting frustrated from the thoughts i felt a presence outside my window, i stayed still but cautiously feeling the presence

[Hey idiot open the window now it's getting chilly outside here]

I suddenly flinched then looks at the window, i saw gen in his still cat body looking at me sternly

I chuckled to hide the fact that i got nervous for nothing

"Were have you've been??" I ask while opening the window to let him inside

"Outside to stalk someone" he said while jumping towards the table to the bed then laid down "im now sure that he's really suspicious"


"I saw him killing someone mercilessly then after that someone walks towards him in a hooded cloth then they started to communicate with each other. Since im not that close i only heard a few things"

"What is it??" I asks curiously as i also laid down beside him

"He said that the plan to kill someone failed and they need to make another plan to kill it"

"I see, then who's this person who said that they failed"

"He's your friend" he said hesitantly

My eyes widened then looks at gen unbelievably

"Who?! That didn't happened on the novel!"

"Well you changed the plot" he said while shrugging then turned around

I was about to ask him again when i saw him already sleeping leaving me in a bewilderment

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