11 [ cat ]

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The male protagonist from the novel broke the silence

"Hello! You must be Mr Lucas from the Keanos family??"

I hesitated a bit but nods anyways, i still wanna live yall that's kiel's soon to be lover after all

He smiled then reached out his hand "nice to meet you, im luke eidos"

I stared at him and smiled softly "im glad to meet you too"


Lucas is smiling softly while also reaching his hand out, no ill intents and only full of bliss causing the two man in front of him to be starstrucked

The two softened and the intensity and awkwardness on the surroundings lifted up

After a few greetings they decided to bid their goodbyes to each other. Lucas is the first who walks out gracefully

Luke smirked at kiel "like him?"

Kiel only glared at luke causing luke to laugh

Out of frustration kiel also walked out leaving luke behind who's still smirking at him

"Well, im glad" luke mumbled then smiled bitterly


Days and weeks has passed and finally the school is open

Lucas who's sleeping soundly woke up from a bang on the door, he hurriedly went to the door and opened it with droopy eyes and hoarse voice "what is it??"

Suddenly a cat walks in leaving lucas in bewilderment, lucas didn't do anything he just stared at the cat who's sitting on his couch

"Bow down to this mighty god" the cat suddenly spoke, lucas flinched and unconsciously pick a random object beside him and throw it on the cat

The cat reflexively avoided the object on time then hissed at lucas who have now a frightened face

After a few seconds lucas calmed down and realized it's gen's voice. He looked at the cat "are fcking kidding me?"

"Nah" the cat said in an uninterested tone

Lucas locked his door and sat on his bed "you woke me up so early in the morning for what??" He said while glaring at gen "and why i didnt heard of you since last week then you'll comeback as a cat"

"Nothing serious happened, i just missed you" gen said avoiding his questions

Lucas's eyebrow twitched "one"

"One?" Gen asked confusedly

"Two" suddenly gen realized lucas's threatening voice "fine fine ill tell you" gen jumped out of the couch to the bed

Gen reached out his hand so lucas unconsciously also reached his hand out, before he put his hand down gen placed something on his palm

It's a necklace with a white-ish colored circle gem on the center while small red gems above and below as a design

Lucas looks at gen confusedly "what's this? It's not my birthday yet" he chuckled but accepts it anyway

"Using that necklace you can call me whenever you want but only if it is important" gen said with serious voice "ill be your guard now as a cat since i can't protect you if im only in your mind"

Because gen is still in a cat body, lucas is holding his laugh back because of this adorable sight

Lucas pursed his lips but still can't control his smile

Gen rolled his eyes then sighed and laid down on the bed till he fall asleep leaving lucas in amusement.

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