18 [ cried ]

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Morning came and we went to my hideout, im now sitting on the chair and looking at them in front of me

"What was your abilities again?" Luke asked

"Weapon creator and teleportation" leo

"Shield and speed" ren

"Nature, i can control my surroundings as long as it's connected to plants and earth" theo

"Fire" zen

"Light" kiel

"Healing" i said that made them looks at me in bewilderment as if saying how did i killed the shadow back then when im only a healer and where did i get my weapon at

Luke cleared his throat and nodded to us "i can summon some beasts"

"I see, so we're complete" ren said while nodding slowly

"Complete??" Theo asks him, ren looked at theo then nodded

"It means we have a defense, attackers and a healer. Quite group are we?" He chuckled

Theo just mumbled ohh then didn't say anything

"We need partners so ill parter you up based on your abilities. ren and lucas, zen and kiel, theo and me. Oh wait, how about leo? He's an assassin type" Luke said while writing something on his note, As expected of the mc on the novel

"Ill help you" suddenly gen whose still in a cat form said while jumping on the table in front of us

"How can you help us?" Theo asked curious

"Ill help him train"

Before theo ask him again we saw a light coming from gen until it was too bright that we covered our eyes, the bright lessened and we looked at gen

All of us suddenly stood up, some prepared to attack while me is only in a daze, staring at deity in front of me

He was sitting on the table. His bangs is covering his eyes and he also has long silver hair, he has pointy ears and gold accessories on him

"Why, am i so handsome that makes you all starstrucked?" He smirked then chuckled, my eyes widened and yelped at him "Gen?!"

"Yes?" He asked while still smirking

I was about to ask him when luke cleared his throat to catch our attention

"I see, you also have human form. Then that's it we can now train properly"


We scattered around by partners to train and now im with ren standing, we positioned ourselves to attack

Since it's useless to use our magic to each other we need to use our bare hands to fight, we can also use a weapon so i get a sword on my inventory while ren looked at me shockingly but before he asks i threw it to him and he catched it, i also get one for me

"Well, it's unfair if im the only one who has a sword right?" I smiled at him and he only nodded back at me while still curious but we started to attack each other until we cant anymore

After a few hours we decided to rest, i laid down on the grass while he leaned on the tree beside me. We're both panting and sweating so hard and we also have bruises so i healed it up

"You like kiel, dont you?" My eyes widened from ren's sudden question, i was about to deny it when he stopped me

"Dont deny it i already knew for quite a long time" i felt my cheeks burning so i hide it using my hands

I heard him chuckled "i also like someone" he confessed

"Is it luke?" I asked him while looking at him

He raised his eyebrow and shook his head "no, it's leo" my eyes widened and yelped

He only chuckled at me then frowned "i like him but this past few days he seems odd, like he was hiding something on us" I looked at him confusedly

He remained silent then avert his eyes "he keep making suspicious acts like vanishing suddenly then come back after an hour or so"

"Im sorry but it's not that im accusing him but if it's okay to you can you observe him more?"

He nodded and we decided to go back to my hideout, when we reached to my hideout we heard someone is talking and giggling

When i opened the door i saw luke cuddling kiel while kiel feeding luke a biscuit, i felt my heart skipped as i breathed heavily unnoticeable

I felt someone slap my back slightly so i looked behind me and saw ren looking at me with stern face

I pursed my lips and shooks my head then we continued to head in and sat down in front of luke and kiel

The room suddenly fell in silence until the door suddenly opened aggressively leaving furious zen on our sight

"What happened?" Luke asked zen while munching on his biscuit

"Nothing" his voice turned cold, okay that's sus zen

He rushed towards me and held my wrist to pull me up, he rushed towards the trees not so far from my hideout

He pushed me on the tree and leaned his forehead on my shoulder, i stayed still until i felt my shoulders getting wet then i suddenly realized that zen is crying

"Why are you crying?" I asked while rubbing his back

"Im not" his voice cracked so he cleared his throat by coughing

My brows knitted and flicked his ear since i cant flick his forehead "did you saw something?" I asked

I knew zen since we were a kid and i know that he only cries whenever it's about his close ones

He frozed on his spot but nodded anyways "i saw them... kissing" my eyes widened "who??"

He remove his head leaning on me then looked at me with painful expression mark on his face

"Theo and leo" he avert his eyes and fiddled his fingers while pursing his lips

Theo and leo?? Since when??

I sighed then ruffled his hair and hugged him like i usually do to comfort him

We remained silent until he calmed down, i dont want to tell him that maybe he understood something it might worsen his mood

After he calmed down we sat on the ground

"Why you didn't cry?" Zen asked that made me flinched

I looked at him confusedly then suddenly realized the situation earlier, maybe he saw luke and kiel earlier

"We're not in a relationship plus we need to focus on training, it's fine if they were going to be together since i already knew they'll be" i smiled slightly

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