9 [ kiel ]

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Days, months and years pasts. I didn't realized it's already been 5 years since then

Im already 15 years old, single and ready to mingle. Nah just kidding ill marry my baby kiel

[Idiot you're just a mob]

Pretty mob tsk tsk tsk

[... i wonder where you get that confidence from]

In you of course

I heard a tsk sound coming from gen's nasty mouth so i ignored him again

Yes, it's been 5 years and about theo's mother's illness?? It's been cured of course, my potion is very effective that even makes her mother looks younger now

And because it's been a few years, the relationship between the five of us (me, theo, zen, leo, ren) is quite close now, we even calls our names in casual

Btw, where am i and what am i doing you said?? Im preparing for my kiel's birthday

Yeah, the male lead's 17th birthday is today. Im excited to see him, why? He's hot

I heard gen choked on my mind

Really?? I need a damn privacy you hard ball. I rolled my eyes

[Well, it's interesting]

I rolled my eyes again and looks at the time. My eyes widened and realized that the birthday starts in an hour

I rushed up to do my things, it's a secret shush

Then hurriedly walks down on the stairs, i saw my family and my friends waiting for me

We walks towards the carriage and went inside

After a while the carriage stops and someone opened the carriage's door for us

We went outside slowly since it's improper to rush on the palace

I looked up and saw a huge palace?castle? Im not that sure what it calls properly

Im still in awe when i saw my parents already walking towards the entrance so i followed them

I saw them handing the invitation on a butler then he let us in, we nodded at him and went inside walking gracefully

I feel awkward, i felt gazes on us making me uncomfortable. Their eyes is like judging us through our souls but i shrugs it off

My parents starts to interact with other nobles while my friends-- dont mind them, they're just eating leisurely and messing around with others

I sat down on a bench-like sofa when i suddenly heard a music. The event will start now

When i was wondering my eyes on the crowd a waiter holding a tray full of wineglass with wine passes by

I called him to stop and asks for a drink, he hesitated for a bit but gives me one anyways


Everyone focused their attention above. The King walks towards the throne with the queen

The king raised his hand and the music stops playing, all attentions are focused on them when suddenly a young man walks towards them

He looked at the king and queen then greeted them, the king nodded at him and the young man sat on his throne

"I, King Morell Vasiliás, commend my blessings on crown prince Ezikielle Claude Vasilias....." the king continued his announcement until he runs out of words

After his speech everyone claps and smiled then the musics starts to play again. The party started, some of them dances while the others are interacting with others

Lucas who's leisurely drinking his wine suddenly felt a gaze on him, he wondered his eyes and saw ezikielle staring at him with cold eyes.

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