12 [ dorm ]

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Morning came and lucas already prepared his things, lucas went outside of his room with gen on his head

The maids and butlers cooed but lucas didn't noticed it

A butler walks towards lucas and helps him to the carriage, lucas was about to come inside the carriage when his parents suddenly hugs him with his twins younger siblings

"Come back when there's already enough time ok? We will miss you" his mother said while sniffing and hugging him softly

"Focus on your study" his father said with stern face but you'll hear a hint of worries on his voice

"Brother, give me a candy when you cameback soon okay? Dont forget!" His younger sister said while clinging on his waist

"Brother, if youll ever get a girlfriend---" his younger brother isn't done yet when lucas chuckled lightly

"I wont" im gay so i can't get a girlfriend, lucas said only in his mind

Lucas nods at them and hugs them one by one then kiss them on their cheeks

"Now now, stop being clingy. Im not leaving permanently okay? Only temporary for studies" lucas chuckled and waves at them then went inside the carriage

He felt lonely knowing he'll leave them even if it's temporary, he shooks it off and leaned on the couch on the carriage as the carriage starts to move


Lucas's POV

"Young master, we're already in front of the school's gate" i heard the coachman outside so i fixed my things and was about to open the door when it suddenly opened, then i saw the coachman waiting for me outside

Oh right i forgot im still a noble, i need to get used to this

I hesitantly gave him my things and goes outside

The coachman gave my things on a servant(?) Then we started to go to a dean's office i guess, i dont know what it calls here so ill call it a dean's office

We we're about to knock when the door suddenly opened, a tall man is in front of us so i looked up just to see kiel

He knitted his brows and left quietly. I was stunned until i heard the dean inviting us to come in

Everything went smoothly, all i need is to go to the dorm to unpack my things and organize them

Im glad no one will be my roommate as for my request to the dean, im quite shocked that the dean's agreed

As i was organizing my thing, gen is laying down on my bed. Now, i want to be a cat instead

I shrugs it off then continues what i am doing until it's good enough, the room is also clean so i don't need to clean it

I laid down on my bed beside gen who's still sleeping soundly

The class will start on the day after tomorrow so maybe ill look around at the school for a bit

Ill also try to find a spot for me when i want to skip a class lol

As i was planning on things i heard a knock on my door

I sighed and stood up then goes towards the door

I opened it and saw the protagonist carrying a container

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