8 [ cookies ]

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"What are you looking at?" I raised my eyebrow "we should start to think how we can make theo's mother drink this" i sat down on the chair

They looked at me then looks at each others and nod, they sat down and continued to eat their biscuits

I was about to speak when ren suddenly speak

"What if we'll bake a cookie and make some tea then give it to aunty?" He said while tilting his head slightly

I looked at the others and they nodded at him, sign of agreement

"Who can bake? All of us here are kids" leo asked and suddenly the room is quiet

tho i can bake since i love baking for my kid patients back then i cant tell them yet since im still in a kid's body

They widened their eyes realizing that no one can bake a cookie

Ren raised his hand to catch our attention. We looked at him with curiosity

"I can ask my closest maid, how about that?" we sighed of relief and nodded as a response and prepared our things

I hid the potion on my storage secretly then we went outside

After a while, we're now in front of the backdoor of the kitchen with the maid

At first, the maid is hesitating but with the kids using their tricks up on their sleeves which is puppy eyes

The maid sighed and gave up then told us that we should stay only for a bit

We nodded again while smiling as a sign of agreeing to her. She sighed again but opened the door anyways

We sat down on the chair quietly while watching her bake

While waiting for the cookies the maid gave us juice and biscuits

I thought no one will eat it since we already ate earlier but the kids suddenly picked them

How can a small stomach can consume so many foods?! I looked at them with amusement

They looked at me with confused face, i shooked my head and chuckled lightly then drank the juice on my glass in front of me

After a few minutes we heard a ting or bell like sound, the cookies is already done

The kids excitedly looked at the maid holding the tray with cookies. They were about to touch the cookies but i coughed to catch their attentions

They realized that the cookies aren't for them so they looked down with dejected faces then pouted, makes me felt a little guilty

I smiled at them "pick only one for each of you" their face brightened and hurriedly eat the cookies

The maid and i holding back our laugh because of this sight

After i calmed down i prepared the tea and while the maid is looking on the other kids and ren distracting the maid while looking at me, i seized the chance to put the potion on the tea

I nodded at ren and he nodded back. we looked at the other kids, they were all enjoying their time so we decided to wait for a bit while the tea is still hot.

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