15 [ shadow ]

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The days passed by unknowingly and it became a routine for us to eat lunch on the rooftop

As i was about to enter the rooftop again for lunch when i felt a few of presences behind me

I stopped walking then looks behind me and saw nothing but i knew they were behind the wall "seriously? Yall into stalking now??" My face scrunched up while asking them

I heard a chuckle and footsteps walking towards me "of course not, we're just curious where the heck you've been during free times" zen said with teasy looks

"Eating of course, what would you expect me to do during lunch time" i rolled my eyes

"Maybe meet up with your lover" he grinned at me, i felt my cheeks flushed but im glad only zen saw it

He was about to tease me when i cuts him off "well, im not a certain someone who's sticking like a leech on his crush nonstop" i also grinned at him, his smile faded away but i saw his ears red

He rolled his eyes and was about to answer me when i saw theo peeking at us in bewilderment, i chuckled and waved at him then he smiled back at me

"Now, now. If youll excuse me, ill now go upstairs so i can eat my lun--" im not done yet when i heard a click sound coming from the door of the rooftop

I looked at the direction where i heard it then i saw kiel standing while staring at us with his usual cold face but i saw a hint of confusion on his eyes

"Kiel---" im not finished yet when someone interrupted me

"Kiel! So you're here all along" i looked behind me again then saw luke smiling at kiel while walking towards him

I gave kiel a hesitant smile and nods at him then walks towards my friends who's already behind me

I heard both of them chatting so i focused on my friends

"You were with kiel?" Theo asked, i shook my head and was about to reply him when i felt someone leaned on my shoulders

I looked at him then saw kiel with puppy eyes

Yeah i know it sounds childish but this is really kiel's attitude. After a few days i learned about his attitudes and hobbies

Now, he's giving me that look because he's hungry, he also became clingy at me whenever he needs something

Seriously? Is he really a male lead or just a childish kid. I chuckled and moves his head away from my shoulder

I saw him rolling his eyes but i ignored it as i felt him embracing me from behind

Im in front of my friends so i tried to hide my flushed cheeks as soon as possible but zen still saw it "i see, so you guys are now--"

"No!" I exclaimed quickly making others flinched while zen laughed out loud

I rolled my eyes and cleared my throat "we were just eating at the same time every lunch time"

"Ohhh so it's like a secret meeting between you two?" Ren also joined zen at teasing me

Fudge why does i have a friend like them

"Enough with that, we're just eating ok?" I keep denying them when i heard a growl then felt kiel hiding his face on my neck

I put my hand on my lips trying to suppress my laugh, i coughed as i cleared my throat "now, someone is hungry. If you'll excuse us" then pulled kiel towards the rooftop to eat


Both of them went up the stairs and enters the rooftop to eat leaving their friends on bewilderment

How and when did they become close?? Is the only thought running through their minds right now

When they were still in a daze, luke came back to his senses. He clapped to catch the others attention and it works

"Should we also go to them to eat?" He asks then the others nods slowly

They went upstairs and when they opened the door they saw lucas feeding kiel with his foods

The two looks like a couple feeding each others using only one chopstick

They were all quiet while lucas looks at them with awkward face while his hand with eggroll on chopsticks is on mid air

They were all in a daze when kiel suddenly eats the eggroll on Lucas's chopsticks then munched it down

"Oh sorry to disturb the both of you" luke was about to close the door when lucas yelped "It's not what you think!"

"Yeah yeah all lovers uses that excuse" zen teases them again but he only received a glare from lucas

"It's just because i forgot to put an extra chopsticks on my bag earlier since im rushing 'cause i thought i was late" lucas said

"Why you should feed him yourself tho?" Ren asks

"Isn't it tiring to use a chopstick alternatively??" Lucas snorted

"Meh, you just want to feed your kiel" ren continues with the teasing, lucas was about to deny it when luke interrupted them "now, stop with the teasing. The bell will ring in a few minutes so we should eat now"

They all nodded as a response then started to eat, after a while they heard the bell rang

They fixed their things up then went straight to their own rooms

Lucas sat on his seat when he suddenly felt a sudden move on his bag then he remembered gen didn't even eaten anything yet so he gave him a bread secretly

The class starts as if nothings happened and then suddenly they heard a bang on the door

It took their attentions as they were became wary. The door opened but they saw no one

The teacher went straight towards it cautiously, when the teacher is already in front of the door a dark shadow suddenly pulled her towards the ground until she vanished of the students sights

The room filled with silence in a second then suddenly a lot of students panicked while the others prepared themselves including lucas with gen

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