14 [ rooftop ]

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Lucas's POV

Today is the day, yes today is the first day of class and of course im not excited, i hate classes why would i study if i already knew what lessons on it hayss. Im not kidding tho, i still remember every lessons i learned back on my student days

I was fixing my things when gen suddenly jumps towards me "Wtf gen stop messing around"

"So moody, ew" gen rolled his eyes then went inside on my bag "maybe lucas is in his first day" he chuckled then zips the bag immediately

"Im not on a period. im a guy, gen, a guy and it's literally the first day of our class" i heard a tsk so i ignored it then continues what i am doing

After packing things i carried my bag were gen is inside and holds my lunchbox, i prepared it myself since im not used to a nonhomemade foods

Gen said he was going to guard me so he decided to hide on my bag in the meantime but i knew he was just making this as an excuse cause i saw him sleeping inside when i opened my bag

The class has already started and everything went smoothly until lunch came, i stood up after the bell rang as a signal for lunch time

I immediately went straight to the rooftop with my lunchbox because i dont want to eat on cafeteria, i know my friends will pester me nonstop so i have to avoid them for now since im too lazy to be crazy with them

I saw a bench near the railings then sat down, i removed the clothes covering my lunchbox then opens it

I was about to start to eat when i notice there's a presence near the door. I stared at it until i clearly saw kiel sitting on the floor while leaning on the wall. Maybe he's sleeping but how come i didn't noticed his presence earlier

I shrugs it off then picked up an egg roll using my chopsticks, i was about to feed my self when i felt stares towards me so i looks at kiel again

I pursed my lips and hesitantly asks him "do you want some?"

AAHHHHH KILL ME NOOOWW, who the heck invites a stranger to eat with? Like really, it's embarrassing

He was still staring at me as if he's not minding my offer so i decided to take back my words

"Oh, nevermi--" i was about to take my words back when i heard a growl coming from kiel

He looked at me with surprised face then he suddenly turned around. I saw his ears getting red

Ahh, he's also embarrassed

I cleared my throat and went near towards him, well we can't do anything about it he's hungry, im hungry so why not eat together right?

I sat beside him quietly and placed my lunch box between us, im glad i have extra chopsticks with me so i put the chopsticks on his palm then continues to eat

He stared at me then he hesitantly picked a food and puts it on his mouth, we ate silently but it's not awkward

I wonder why kiel accepts my offer, tho it's nothing to me but kiel's actions towards me isn't the same with his rumored attitude

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