20 [ party ]

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After that day, the dean and profs did their best to help their students, it was hard for them especially the students whose victims by the sudden attack but it didn't stop the school to continue

They continued it slowly again until they already used to but the fact or wariness can't be fade from the people

But they made it until their graduation, they were relieved and happy

To celebrate the graduation yesterday, they decided to open a huge party on the school

Meanwhile, lucas hesitating to come to the party. He knew he'll see kiel and luke being all lovey dovey and he hated it

It's been 2 years since then but he doesn't want to acknowledge the broken feeling he felt, he knew he doesn't have a chance he thought

He doesn't want to be a killjoy so he forced himself to go to the graduation party, he entered the gym wearing a formal suit

Clenched trembling fists, fast pounding heart he felt so nervous. After the attack he decided to avoid kiel from time to time, it was foolish yet he doesn't want to be selfish

And there, he saw a table with his friends. They were all smiling like nothing happened back then, maybe he's just stuck to the past he thought

He was jealous of zen and theo, they were already cleared up the misunderstanding between them and decided to be together. Maybe if he pushed his self to kiel again maybe there's still a chance? He shook his head from his thoughts

He cleared his throat and walks towards them slowly "hii, yall so early" he chuckled then sat down beside leo whose sipping his wine

"You're just lazy to come so you're late" zen smirks at him

"How did you knew?" Lucas made his eyes widened as a surprise expression, it was a lie yet truth, he's lazy to come but also doesn't really want to come

They laughed at lucas, emitting a peaceful atmosphere. Lucas realized it was okay to remain friend with kiel as long as all of them are happy

But what about him? He also want to share his feelings but how? He pursed his lips from the sudden thought

While he's still in a daze he felt someone staring at him, he looked at the direction where he felt it at then he saw kiel looking at him with concern face

Lucas looked at him confusedly but only received a silent stare, he awkwardly smiles and avert his eyes to sip on his wine

"Can we talk for a bit?" Kiel said in a soft voice, lucas was shocked but tries to hide it and nodded

They stood up and excuses themselves to leave for a few minutes, they left the gym and went to one of the classrooms. When they entered the room kiel locked the door, feared for lucas to leave suddenly

Lucas looked around. The curtains are closed, the board is clean and the chairs are lined up perfectly. He sat on the teachers table then looked at kiel whose in front of him, he raised his eyebrow signaling kiel to tell him what he want to talk about

Kiel place his hands behind him, fidgeting while trying to hide his nervousness

"Why are you avoiding me?" He asks softly

Lucas was shocked a little, of course he knew that kiel will notice it but he didn't mind back then but now he cant utter a single word for excuses

He's hesitating but he realized today is the last day they'll meet, after this he'll focus to study for the business he wanted

After he gained some confidence he looked straight to kiel's eyes "if i say that i like you not as a friend but more than that, will you believe me? No?" He chuckled "i knew you're already together with luke so i thought it was unnecessary but i also doesn't want to regret it" he smiled softly while averting his eyes "i like you, no maybe i already love you. I know it's cringey as heck but who cares, i avoided you because of the thought if i keep my distance from you, maybe my feelings will change and so i wont disturb both of you but still--"

He cant continue what he wanted to say. He felt a sudden embrace, it was tight but warm he thought. It made him teared up a little

"You misunderstood it, luke and i were not together"

"Then why both of you being all lovey dovey every time im in front of you?"

Kiel chuckled and rubbed his cheeks using his finger "we tried to make you jealous but i guess we went too far, im sorry"

"But luke--"

"He doesn't like me"

"But he act like one!"

Kiel smiled at him then shook his head "it was part of the plan"

Subconsciously, lucas pouted at him and scrunched his face but calmed down after "i see" he buried his face on kiel's chest as kiel ruffled lucas's hair

They stayed like that until they heard the door opened behind them, then they saw their friends looking at them teasingly

They all smiled and continued their party on the empty room that's now filled up with their joyous atmosphere.

The misunderstanding between zen and theo is zen saw theo and leo "kissing" but no, leo is just helping theo to clean his face from the dirt they got after the training. Zen just saw it on a different angle so he assumed they were kissing

Luke liked kiel but he doesn't told him because he knew he doesn't have chance for kiel acts so smitten towards lucas unconsciously

Ren is still mustering his courage up to tell his feelings to leo while leo is still dense from ren's feelings

Gen just minded his own business like lazing around and eating leisurely, living a peaceful life yet irritated by Lucas's group for being all lovey dovey in front of him sometimes

Lucas and kiel decided to be together, they did their best to maintain their relationship. There's some times that they can't understand each other and voice out their feelings but even if it's hard they did their best until their relationship got stronger than before

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