5 [ zen ]

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When i was about to talk someone pushes me lightly and dragging theo away from me

I looks at him with my mouths open

This kid-- i know you likes theo but why would you push his life saver

I sighed "ehem, excuse me but can i as--" he interrupt me

"Who are you?!" He said fiercy while shielding theo

I stared at him for a few seconds and came back to my senses

"Ehem, im the barons' son. You can call me lucas" smiled at him reassuring that im not a creepy stranger

He glared at me then looks at my parents near the door, my parents nods at him as if saying it's true even if we're quite far from them

He tried to calm himself then looks at theo "Are you okay? Did he do something to you?" his eyes is full of concerns

My eyes is bleeding stop this lovey dove--

[They're kids stop assuming something you bl addict]

Yeah and you should stop pestering me ball

[Stop with the ball i told you im a go--]

I cut him up and looks at the two kids

"Maybe we should go back first? It's already getting dark"

They both looks at me and nods synchronizing

"Cute" i thought i didn't said it out loud

Their eyes widened and their cheeks flushed

They looks like a mother and son tarsiers, i chuckled and we continues our walk towards the house

Our parents are waiting in front of the door with worried faces

They walks towards us and scold us but hugs us anyways

We went inside and sat on the couch

Im sure my parents will ask me about this

[Well of course it's your fault]

Of course not, im innocent here. I frowned

[Innocent?? Who's the one that is reading yaoi mangas again so late at night??]

... you win, tsk


I was about to scold gen when my father coughed, signaling to pay attention to them

"where did the both of you went without our permissions?" My father asks with stern face

I hesitated a bit but replies anyways

"I saw him on the forest, finding the blerria flower" i look at my father's eyes without budging

He sighed "and why are you also there??" he raised his eyebrow

"Playing" i said while averting my eyes

He sighed again and facepalmed "next time tell us ok?" his voice has softened

I feel guilty, the truth is im experimenting on my hideout and making various medicines and potions

"Do you already knows each other?" My mother asks

I shook my head but i already know them all since this is the dominance novel i keep reading for the nth time

My father nods at me then looks at duke asfalis and katharos

"Im duke asfalis and this is my 4th son, Rizenn Vaios Asfalis"

I nodded at him and looks at Zen then smiled

"Nice to meet you young master asfalis!" i said politely

"Call me Zen" he said sheepishly

My eyes widened and smiled ear to ears

This kid is really a tsundere. I chuckled a bit then nods.

Tsundere depicts a character with a personality who is initially harsh, temperamental or hotheaded before gradually showing a warmer, friendlier side.

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