16 [ home ]

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Chaotic is the only word you can describe the situation now

There's a lot of shadows in every room, pulling random people towards it then suddenly vanished

People are panicking, some of them loses their mind and some of them started to faint while there's only a few people who are quite prepared for the sudden attack since they didn't let their guards down

Lucas is with gen while hiding behind the shelves. luke on the other hand fighting the shadows with kiel using their magics while zen is protecting theo, ren and leo was making a plan while hiding behind the door

The shadows stopped and suddenly went towards the center of the room, they were all in one spot transforming them into one gigantic dark shadow

They easily consumed a lot of students while the shadow is still unbothered by luke's and kiel's attacks

A thought suddenly came to leo's mind, he signaled his friends to gather up secretly

While the shadow was distracted from consuming the students, the five of them started to make their plans

Lucas opened his inventory then searched for a light sword, when he felt the sword on his hands he suddenly went straight to the shadow and slashed it but the shadow didn't get any damage at all

Lucas drew back his sword then jumps backwards leaving the shadows havocking

"I knew it" gen exclaimed at lucas that makes lucas knitted his brows

"I saw a super tiny shiny gem like thing at the center of his body when you slashed him" gen continued "it must be the shadow's heart"

Lucas came into realization and smiled agreeing to gen then rushed towards his friends busy with fighting for their lives

"There's a tiny gem inside the shadow, it was in the center part of his body" lucas whispered at them "distract the shadow and ill finish it immediately" they nods at lucas as an agreement then started to distract the shadows attention to themselves while lucas is waiting for his time to slash it again but this time he'll make it at the center

Lucas gained confidence with his fighting level due to training so hard secretly ever since he was still a kid

He slashed the shadow at the center and the shadow splits leaving the gem on his sight, the shadow was about to compact to be a gigantic shadow again when lucas made the opportunity to hit the gem

Lucas managed to hit the gem, it was now in a multiple pieces while the shadow is vanishing rapidly

The people that was absorbed by the shadow didn't came back, only leaving a blood splatters everywhere

The students left horrified by the sudden assault then suddenly someone is already announcing to leave the school immediately

A lot of people panicked, some of them cried for their lost ones and while some of them was still in a daze including lucas and the others


They were all in the library. lucas, kiel, luke is sitting on the chair while ren and leo are finding a book about the shadows then zen and theo is standing beside the table near lucas

"Hey, it's here" ren called out while pointing on a page of the book he's holding then placed it on the center of the table

"The shadows are made of darkness, of course but this shadows doesn't do anything evil except if someone controls them" ren continued "they said the shadows can only be manipulated if the manipulator is near them and the more the small distance they have, the stronger they are"

"Does is mean there's someone in our room is controlling the shadows? Since it's big and strong" leo asks suddenly

The room suddenly filled with silence until luke brokes it "there's a rebel here or a traitor?? We need to investigate about it but first, lucas how did you killed the shadow?"

"Gen said to me earlier that the shadow's heart is in the center of its body" lucas responded calmly

"Gen??" All of them asks as they got bewildered by who is this

Lucas nods at them then suddenly opened his bag near him, leaving gen in a cat body on their sights

"Lucas, we're serious" zen rolled his eyes again

"Im serious too, now gen just talk stop embarrassing me" lucas said while flicking gen's forehead

Gen growled at him "i know, stop flicking me idiot"

And again, the room filled with silence

Theo was about to freak out "oof remember everything in this world is magical so just imagine it as a magic" lucas said while nodding

They all nodded back as if they have no choice but to accept it

"Where we were again?" Luke asks

"I think we should go home now" theo mumbled then the others agreed

They went outside the school then went to their own separated ways, well they have their own carriages

Lucas was about to go in when he felt someone holding his wrist, he looked back and saw kiel looking at him with worried face

Lucas chuckled at him then teases him up "what? You wanna come with me?"

Kiel hesitantly shook his head "no" then remove his hand from lucas's wrist

Lucas smiled at him then waves while saying goodbye as they part their ways

Because of the sudden ambush they need to go back to their houses, his parents are shocked at his sudden arrival but he welcomed him warmly

They talked about what happened earlier and the worried expressions can be seen at his parents faces but they can't do anything about it since it already happened

They were so anxious that they decided to sleep all together in one room but lucas didn't protests

He was about to sleep beside his sister and brother when his mother spoke to him "if something suddenly happened like earlier again. dont fight, just run if you know that you can't defeat something like that okay? Dont push your self in danger" she said while hugging him tightly as her eyes reddened like it was about to burst in tears from worries

Lucas pursed his lips then nods at his mother while hugging her back, reassuring her that he will obey it.

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