4 [ theo ]

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Lucas's POV

This kid is really pretty cute, i want to pinch his cheeks grr

I was smiling when gen ask with disgusted tone that makes me frowned

[are you a freaking pedo now?!]

Nah, im just appreciating this kiddos beauty what's wrong with that?!


I ignored gen and looks at the kid in front of me. The medic session is done so i asked him while tending his foot

"What's your name" i feel so awkward its been a while since i talked to a child

"Im theo" he mumbled

I nodded again and smiled widely "im lucas nice to meet you"

"Yeah" he responded while averting his eyes

I look around to distract my self, it's so quiet and awkward

Why is he averting his eyes am i that unapproachable??

[You look ugly]

I flinched when i suddenly heard gen inside of my head

Im cute af

Gen faked a choked sound

I ignored him again and looks at theo

"Why are you here and where are you from? Someone may be looking for you"

"Im looking for a flower, i want to get it and give it to mom" He avert his eyes and looks so flustered then continues

"Im from the north side, they said i can find the flowers here"

"What flower are you looking?"

"Blerria flower" he said almost mumbling

"I saw one near the waterfalls, ill go get it and you should rest here" i pick up my things and about to go out when he said he also wants to go, i hesitated a bit but agrees anyway

After a while we're already near the waterfalls when i heard a panting sound

I looks at theo and saw him breathing heavily

"You have an asthma?" I ask with confused voice

"U-uhm i dont know?, im sorry if im delaying you" he averts his eyes again while fidgeting

"It's fine but you should know your limits" i said worryingly

After i scold him for a bit we continued our walk and we finally arrived near the waterfalls

I searched for the flower while theo is resting on the rock

I noticed a slight bright blue color near the waterfalls so i decided to walk towards it

It's the blerria flower i saw on a book before

I smiled and yell at theo out of excitement then theo flinched and got confused but walk towards me anyway

He looks at the flower in between the rocks and smiled widely reaching to its ears

He picks it up and looks at me smiling while tears running down his cheeks

"Thank you" he said while holding the flower

I got bewildered. Why is he crying agaaainnnn

Gen? Gen! Gennn?!!! Did i do something???

[Idiot calm down maybe the flower is important to him]

After gen said it i calmed myself

You're right, finally you said something good except for the idiot part

[You-- nevermind!]

I chuckled at gen then looks at theo

"Did you calmed down?? Maybe we should go back?" I looked around then saw that there's already a sunset

He agreed and we walks ouside the forest when we're near the house

"Theo, it's our little secret about the hideout and my skill okay, i have yet turned 11 so..?" I said calmly

"Secret..." his eyes sparkled and nods continuously, i chuckled and we part our ways.

Blerria flower: a not so rare but also not so common flower that you can find near clear waters on the forest and mountains, the color is light blue even its stem and leaves, due to it's unusual color it looks like it's shining but it's only reflecting the lights from sun and moon and the flower looks like a blueberry

>>reminder: every details i put here only came from my imaginations or other sources which are not real<<

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