6 [ illness ]

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It's been a few minutes since then

Im in my room, scratch that. We're in my room, yes we, there's another two kiddos here, they followed me here

Anyways, i sat on the chair near the tea table and the both of them is in front of me, sitting comfortably

"Why did you cried back then?" I suddenly asked theo

He hesitated a bit and looks at zen who's also waiting for the answer then looks down

"Someone said blerria flower can heal any illness" he averts his eyes to the side "mommy needs it" his eyes is teary again but zen comforted him so he calmed down

I forgot about theo's mother's illness. I sighed

His mother's illness is incurable, since it's really not an illness. Her soul is damaged and little by little she's getting weak and her time will stop after half a year

I nodded at him and looks outside my window "ill help your mother, in two conditions" i stared at them with serious face

They hesitated a bit but listened

"Dont ever tell anyone i cured her and about my secrets" i said with a serious tone that makes theo's eyes sparkled, believing for a new hope

"Are you sure you can cure her?? It is incurable and you're also a child how can you do it" zen glared at me "dont give us hope"

I flinched a bit but smiled at them "trust me. Tomorrow at 3 pm, both of you go to my hideout ill wait for you both, theo knows the way"

"What are we going to do there?" Theo hesitantly asks

"We'll make a potion to cure your mother's illness"

They both looks so shocked. Well, we're all kids no one will expect this

They're still hesitating but nodded slowly

"And oh i forgot, dont tell this about your parents, just sneak out a bit"

Both of them nodded then we bid our goodbyes

They left my room while i was still drinking my tea

I wonder if i can really make that potion

[You can, you have me]

Well, appreciated it. I giggled

[Did someone put something on your tea?]

No, why?. I raised my eyebrows

[I see, you finally accepted that im a god]

Yeah yeah since i need you i should be kind. I grinned

[This bi--]

Bi what?. I raised my eyebrow again


Oh yes i know. I grinned


I wonder if gen has periods, so moody, anyways, i should start preparing for the potion

I opened the inventory and searched for the book of potions

I opened the book and searched about potions for the souls

I already know and have the ingredients and procedures but to make sure i have to recheck it again

After a while i memorized everything and starts to get sleepy

I sat down on my bed and looks at the painting in front of me

It feels nostalgic since it has the same vibes of my old world

I sighed and lay down on my bed

I wonder when i can see the male lead, im excited to make him my lover-- i mean matchmake him to the protagonist

After a while i didn't realized i fell asleep

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