Dylan Kingwell~ Best Friends

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Dylan and I have been best friends since we were babies. We were neighbors our whole lives, and we did everything together.

He recently went through a rough breakup with Lola, so Kenzie, Hannah, Graham and Truman and I were all going to head to his house to comfort him for a while.

I didn't really find the need to get all dressed up so I just put black leggings on with a bralette and grey zip up jacket. My hair was a bit wavy because I had it in French braids last night.

Anyway, because Graham is older than all of us, he picked up the others and met me at Dylan's house.

We knocked on the door and Kayla, his older sister, opened it. She gave us all a hug.

"Thank you guys for coming, he's upstairs."

We nodded and walked up the stairs to Dylan's room. I knocked on the door.

"Dylan... it's me, y/n. Kenzie, Graham, Hannah and Truman are all here to see you... can you let us in?" I asked him.

We waited a few seconds before we heard the door slowly creak open. Dylan was there and he looked like he had been through hell. He looked at me and gave me a sad smile and I sighed and gave him a hug. He hugged me back and snuggled his face into my neck.

I rubbed his back and let him stay there for a little. A few minutes later we pulled out of the hug and the others hugged Dylan too.

We all sat inside his room, and we saw that he had all of Lola's stuff in a box.

I grabbed it and brought it downstairs onto the front porch. I also left a little note on the box... let's just say she'll get a rude awakening.

I went back up to Dylan's room and sat down next to him. He put his head on mine and I leaned my head onto his shoulder.

"Why'd she breakup with you Dylan?" Truman asked. I gave him a death stare and he shut up and looked away.

"Because she wasn't the only one I had feelings for..." he said.

"What?" We all asked.

"Y/n, can I talk to you? Alone."
"Umm, ok."
We walked into the hall and closed his bedroom door behind us.

"Dylan why did you have feelings for someone else? You were dating Lola, I thought you really liked her." I asked him.

He shrugged. "I did really like her. And I told her that my feelings were complicated cause I've known the other girl for so long and I wanted to be honest with her but she went off and then cheated on me the next day. She broke up with me when I called her yesterday."

"Did you cheat on her with the other girl?"
"You would've known if I did."
"Why would I know that?"
"Because it's you."

I was shocked. I mean, I was happy cause I've always kinda had feelings for Dylan, but I didn't think that he would like me more than Lola, let alone risk breaking up with her for me.

"Yeah, Y/n. I really like you."
"Dylan... I like you too."

He didn't hesitate for a second before slamming his lips onto mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he held my waist. The kiss wasn't rough. It was sweet.

It lasted for a few seconds and then we pulled away. I laughed a little and so did he.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"
"Of course I would, dyl."

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