Dylan Kingwell~ Merry Christmas (Pt 2)

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The Kingwells and my family have gotten really close recently.

They're always at our house and we sometimes go to theirs. They have a lovely home by the way. Pretty big, almost like mine but they lived in a different neighborhood.

It wasnt very far from mine, maybe a 10 minute walk. But because it's winter and winters in Canada are brutal, we've only ever driven there and back.

Today was our turn to go to the Kingwells house. We were celebrating Christmas Eve together, and because we were all so close we got each other presents.

I got everyone their own present because my mom already got both the parents gifts you'd give someone who was moving into a new home.

So now they have a new throw blanket, three yankee candles, a picture frame, and some snacks.

I bought Mrs. Kingwell an assortment basket of chocolate because who doesn't like chocolate, especially when you're a woman? I know I definitely can't live without it.

Anywho, I got Mr. Kingwell a Christmas card with a gift card inside for Bass Pro Shops, I heard he liked going there so I thought it was fitting.

I got the Kingwell sisters both gift cards to a nail salon, face masks, a candle each and also a fluffy blanket each.

For Dylan, it was hard to find something I thought he'd like so I got a few things.

I heard that Dylan liked Harry Potter, and he had all the books and watched all the movies, but he hated having to rent them. So, I bought him the dvds which he has a DVD player for.

I also got him a red and black checkered blanket because I realized he had almost no blankets on his bed besides the comforter.

I got him a box of popcorn to eat with the movies as well as a bag of tootsie rolls because I saw on one of his Instagram lives that he likes them, before he unfortunately failed at opening the bag and they flew everywhere.

I also found quite a few beetles records I knew he didn't have yet and I thought he'd like them.

I really hope he likes it.

Dylan's POV

I am freaking out. April is coming over today for Christmas Eve and we're celebrating with our families.

I got her a gift as well as the baby and her parents, but I really didn't know what to get April.

It's not that she was picky or I didn't know her enough to know if she'd like something, it's that I wanted whatever I got her to be perfect.

So when I went shopping with my sisters to get her family gifts I just got her multiple things.

The first thing I got her is chocolate, I know she loves chocolate. She said that when we were on a live together. Apparently she likes dark chocolate a lot so I got her a lifetime worth of dark chocolate but also milk chocolate as well.

She said she likes dark chocolate because it doesn't make her stomach hurt, but she still liked milk chocolate.

Anyway, I also got her a candle because she always had one on when we go to her house and she showed me her absurd collection of them in her room. So was it a bad idea to add to it? Maybe, but at least she'll like it. Well, I hope.

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