Dylan Kingwell~ Merry Christmas

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It is December 1st and this is the day my mom and I go to a bunch of different stores to find new Christmas decorations.

We love going to winners specifically because we can always find things there. Even if we don't find Christmas stuff we at least find cute clothes to wear on Christmas, so i guess if you find both it's a win win.

In this case, we found some stuff, more like just cute lights to hang on windows and a wreath for our front door but that's fine.

We already have a Christmas tree because we're reusing ours from last year. We can't use actual trees because my family has really bad allergies.

Anyway, we ended up going to some craft stores like hobby lobby and michaels and found a lot of what we needed.

We also went to our local grocery store so we could grab some stuff to bake while we were decorating the house and our Christmas tree.

"We should get muffins!"
"Okay, mom." I laughed.

We walked over to the muffin and cupcake aisle and she looked at them all.

"There's too many, April! Choose for me!"
"Mom, just get one and we can buy more when it gets closer to Christmas."

A lady called for my mom.

We turned around and saw a woman with her children, a girl maybe two years younger than me and a boy my age.

"Oh my goodness! Hi! How are you?" My mom asked the woman.
"I'm doing great, how are you?"
"Great as well."
"How's the baby? I saw your Facebook post, she's adorable."
"She's doing amazing, turned 8 months yesterday actually."
"Ugh, so cute."
"April, this is Mrs. Kingwell. She's known you since you were like two."
"You've gotten so tall."
"I would hope so." I laughed.
"Oh my gosh, is this Adysson and Dylan? You two have gotten so big!"
"Mom, chill." I told her.

She rolled her eyes and playfully shoved my shoulder. I laughed.

"April, this is Adysson and Dylan." My mom said.
"I got that the first time mom."
"Dylan is actually only a couple months older than you, April." Mrs.Kingwell said.

I nodded and smiled at the boy.

"You guys should hang out sometime, I'm sure you'll be good friends."
"Yeah, I'm sure we will be." Dylan said.
"Anyways, we should get going." Mrs.Kingwell said.
"We should too, maybe we can plan a day where we sit down and have dinner."
"Of course, I'll text you."
"Bye you guys."

They gave each other a hug and my mom hugged Dylan and Adysson. I hugged Mrs. Kingwell and nodded at Dylan.

Before he walked away he handed me a piece of paper.

"Text me."

I nodded and he walked away.

"Alright, mom, don't give me that look."

I told her and she smirked at me.

"Stop! Get your muffins and let's go." I laughed and she complied and grabbed the muffins and we left the store.

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