Duncan Quagmire~ You're Not Alone

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Requested by @Lasagna_Loverrrr

I am twins with Klaus Baudelaire, but I was born a few minutes after he was. My siblings and I have gone through a series of unfortunate events together starting with when my parents died.

It was devastating but what was coming next was way worse than we had ever expected. We got thrown from home to home starting with a man named count Olaf, and he made it his goal to take away my families fortune.

We went from his house to uncle monty's and he was unfortunately murdered by Count Olaf, who blamed the Incredibly Deadly Viper which wasn't deadly at all.

He ended up escaping and we were sent to our Aunt Josephine who lived in a house that was really close to falling off a mountain. She also ended up getting murdered by count Olaf who's alias this time was Captain Sham. He pushed her into the ocean with the lachrymose leaches.

After that we escaped from Mr.Poe and Captain Sham, who was really Count Olaf, in a truck which brought us to a lumber mill with an eye doctor who hypnotized Klaus into some bad things, and in the end the evil eye doctor fell into a fire and died. This time Count Olaf was dressed as a woman named Shirley, and she ended up escaping as well.

After that we were brought to a boarding school, where we met Duncan and Isadora Quagmire, who were also orphans with parents who died in a fire.

"Our parents died in a fire, along with our brother Quigley." Isadora said.

I can remember the look on Duncan's face. I felt so bad for him, and Isadora of course. I can't imagine how he'd feel when his brother looked just like him. If I were him I wouldn't be able to look in a mirror again.

Throughout the few days we spent together I grew a liking to Duncan. He was really sweet and was really smart just like his sister. But I don't know what kind of feelings I have for him. I get butterflies when I'm around him. But of course, because of Count Olaf I haven't seen Duncan in a while. He kidnapped the Quagmires and brought them somewhere.

After that my family and I were sent to live in a penthouse with Esme and Jerome Squalor. So far they are really nice, but they hired Count Olaf who is now some foreign immigrant. We've convinced Jerome sort of but not Esme.

We think we found where the Quagmire triplets are and I'm really hoping that they really are in the elevator shaft.

Violet made a contraption so we would be able to get down to the bottom safely, so we got into the contraption and headed down the shaft.

Once we made it all the way down, we saw Isadora and Duncan in a cage.


He walked up to the front of the cage and I did too. He reached his arm through the cage bars and pushed a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"Are you okay?" He asked.
"Am I okay? I should be asking you that, Duncan. You got kidnapped by a bunch of maniacs, and you're asking if I'm ok?"

He gave me a small smile.

"I can't help it."

I smiled back. Violet said something about not being able to get the Quagmires out and also not having enough room in the hot air balloon to get all of us back up to the penthouse so we had to go back and get some things.

"Y/n, stay here with the Quagmires, we'll come back and get you guys."
"What? Don't leave me alone, please." I told Klaus.

I felt someone's hand on my shoulder.

"You're not alone, Y/n. I'm always here." Duncan said.

I'm always here...

𝙳𝚢𝚕𝚊𝚗 𝙺𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜Where stories live. Discover now