Sam Thomas~ Sorry!

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I was on a walk by myself through my neighborhood. I was new to town so I didn't really know where I was going but I had my phone with me just in case I needed help to get home.

I had my AirPods in and I was listening to Taylor Swift, when something came up to me and pushed me down.

At first I was kinda mad, but then I saw it was a dog so that quickly went away and I smiled.

"Well, hello to you too." I giggled while petting the dog.

I heard footsteps running over and the owner was out of breath, probably from chasing their dog.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." He said.

I looked up and saw it was a teenage boy. He was my age, maybe a little older, and he was kinda cute. I smiled at him and shook my head.

"No, don't be sorry. It's fine."
"You're not hurt, are you?" He asked while helping me up and checking my arms.

"No, I'm fine, I promise." I told him.

He gave me a small smile. I smiled back and looked back down to the dog. I pet her head and she cuddled up to my hand.

"What's her name?" I asked the boy.
"Shannon, don't ask, it was my little brother's idea."
I chuckled. "It's cute. Hi, Shannon!"

I smiled at her. She licked my hand and I laughed a little. The boy sat down next to me and scratched behind her ear.

"We're working on her not running so much." He chuckled.
"Yeah, dogs can be hard sometimes." I chuckled.
"Yeah, I had a dog, but he died a few months ago. It was hard on all of us, especially my younger sister and brother, but they are happy with Shannon now."
"Oh, I'm so sorry. Losing pets are hard. Especially when you get so attached to them." I said.

He nodded. I gave him a small smile and he smiled back. I looked at my phone and saw the time.

"Oh, shit. I have to get home, my mom invited some people over later or something and I need to help out. It was nice talking to you." I said.
"You too, hey, before you go, can I have your number?" He asked.

He handed me his phone and I put my number in with the contact name being Y/n <3. He smiled.

"Thanks, y/n. I'm Sam by the way."
"It's no problem, Sam. Bye."

I walked away and to my house.

*time skip, 2 hours*

My mom told me that the neighbors will be over soon, so I quickly ran up to my room and threw on a cute long sleeved shirt that was off the shoulder on one side, and a skirt with my black doc martens.

I curled my hair and left it down, and put on light makeup. I ran down the stairs to help my mom set the table and my dad was bringing it all to the table. As soon as we were done with everything the doorbell rang.

My mom opened the door and greeted our neighbors. I saw a man and a woman walk in with three small kids, another girl who was maybe a couple years younger than me, a boy who was maybe a couple years older than me, and a boy who looked to be around my age- wait. Sam?

I chuckled. "Well hello, stranger." I said to him.
He laughed and gave me a hug and I hugged him back.

"You guys know each other?" My dad asked. I nodded.
"Yeah, my dog ran out of the house and knocked her over when she was on a walk." He said and blushed a bit.
"You have a dog?" My mom asked. Sam's mom nodded.
"Her name is Shannon."
"She's so cute." I said.
"Okay, we weren't sure if you guys were comfortable with dogs because we have one too." My dad said.
"Where is it?" Kristy asked.

I smiled and grabbed Sam's hand and went up to my room. I walked over to a crate in my room and opened it to reveal a small black dog.

"Omg, she's so cute!" Sam's sister said. I smiled and picked her up. She was a lazy puppy but when people were over she was very wiggly haha.

"What's her name?" Sam asked.
"Poppy." I said.
"Poppy... that's cute. But not as cute as you." He replied.

I blushed and turned away, starting to walk back down the stairs.

He called me cute...

𝙳𝚢𝚕𝚊𝚗 𝙺𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜Where stories live. Discover now