Quigley Quagmire~ I Never Left

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I have been best friends with the Quagmires for a while, and i was there when the fire happened.

Ever since then I've been with Isadora and Duncan, and we've been traveling from owner to owner, guardian after guardian, and none of them have been able to take care of us.

Until we started at Prufrok Preparatory School. We met a few other orphans named Violet, Klaus and Sunny Baudelaire, and we've been friends since.

Count Olaf and his troop ended up kidnapping me and the Quagmires, and we were thrown in an ersatz elevator. After that, the Baudelaires found us, and then they had to go back up the elevator.

Then before they could, the hot air balloon slash large handkerchief burnt on fire and they fell into a net thing.

Then the Quagmires and I were taken to an auction in a red herring, and then the next thing I knew, we were being thrown on top of Count Olaf's car.

We were brought to this town called VFD, and they stuck us in a fountain that was shaped like a crow.

Isadora was smart, and she wrote couplets onto little pieces of paper, and because the fountain was wet, she was able to stick them onto the crows legs when they sat on the fountain, and they would hopefully be able to reach the Baudelaires.

Turns out that our mechanism worked, and they soon came to our rescue.

We were almost caught by the town that was chasing the Bauldelaires because they were so called "murderers" and were going to be burned at the stake.

We escaped in a fire truck that somehow Sunny knew how to drive, and then we were brought to the Hostile Hospital, where Violet almost got killed, but we luckily saved her, and then the place burned down. We ended up having no way out, unless we all crammed into Count Olaf's car, so that's what we did.

They brought us to a place called Carnivorous Carnival where we found Olivia, the librarian from Prufrok. She ended up getting eaten by lions, which was a horrible sight to see.

That brings us to our final destination, the Mortmain Mountains.

Sunny was kidnapped by Count Olaf and we had to hide with a bunch of scouts, which Carmelita was apart of, unfortunately.

There was a boy in a mask that he insisted on keeping on, and he sounded super familiar, I just couldn't put my finger on it.

We told him in code that we were apart of VFD, and he got the message, so he brought us to the headquarters door, which was a vernacularly fastened door, which means you needed the answers to certain questions to open it.

He said that he got all of the questions up until the last one. Luckily on our part, Klaus knew the answer, and the door was opened.

We were hoping to find Sunny, but all we found was a bunch of ashes.

"I can't believe it..." I said and teared up.

While at the Hostile Hospital, we learned that there was a surviver to the fires that destroyed our homes. The baudelaires were hoping to find their parents, and I was hoping to find my brother....

"I don't get it, they said there was a surviver of the fires." Violet said.
"There is." The boy replied.
"Where?" Klaus asked.
"Right here. I survived the fire that destroyed my home."

He took off his mask.
It was Quigley...

Isadora and Duncan ran up to him and gave him a big hug, saying how much they missed him and that they thought he died.

They pulled away and Quigley looked at me while I stood there just staring at him.


I broke into a cry and ran up to him, throwing my arms around his neck.

He wrapped his arms tightly around my waist and cried with me.

"Je t'aime." He whispered in my ear.
"I love you too." I looked at him in the eyes.

He gently took my cheeks in his hands and lightly kissed my lips. I kissed him back and we pulled out a couple seconds later.

"I never left, darling. And I promise to never leave you."

𝙳𝚢𝚕𝚊𝚗 𝙺𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜Where stories live. Discover now