Quigley Quagmire~ Saved (pt. 2)

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Wow... he must be a really nice person to bring me to his house without knowing me and saving me from this guy. And I'm not gonna lie he's kinda cute.

Wait, stop. You just met him. He lives in New York, you'll probably never see him again after today, or if I get lucky, this month.

I sighed and just wrapped myself up in a ball like before and started crying again. That was the scariest thing I've ever been through and it's only my first day in new york.

I sat like that for a few minutes before I heard the door open and someone walk in. It was Quigley again.

"Hey hey hey, what's the matter?" He came over to me and gave me a hug.

"I-it's only my first day here. I-I'm going to be here for a m-month and it's only been two hours since I've even stepped foot in the city. W-what if it happens again?" I asked.

"I'm so sorry, grace.. but not all of New York is like that guy... besides... now you're definitely going to be a little bit extra careful... unless you have to, don't leave by yourself, and if you do, make sure you call someone if you think someone's following you. If they see you're on the phone they'll avoid you. Also enter the nearest and busiest building so other people can help. My sister had to live by those rules, everyone does in New York. Especially girls like you..."

"What do you mean.. girls like me?..." I asked.
"Oh-oh uh it's not a bad thing. I mean like, pretty girls like you, I- I mean, oh god Quigley you're so dumb." He mumbled to himself.

I giggled a little and blushed.

He seemed to ease a little after I laughed and smiled.

"Uh, thanks ... you aren't too bad looking yourself." I told him. He blushed and smiled.

"Thanks..." he said. "No problem."

"So grace, you said you aren't from here, where are you from then?"
"Oh wow that's far."
"Yeah it was a pretty long flight." I laughed.
"Uh, well because it's your first time in New York, what if I took you on a ride tomorrow? I lived here my whole life so I basically know everything about this city like it's the back of my hand."
"I'd like that..."

I smiled at him and he gave me a small smile back.

His sister then came in.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt but Kit is here." She told her brother.
"Uh ok. Tell her to give me a second."

She walked out of the room and closed the door.

"My legal guardian is here. If you don't want to go downstairs you can stay up here or-"
"No it's fine I can go down with you." I said.

He smiled and grabbed my hand.

We walked downstairs where a woman was standing with a baby.

"Quigley, how are you?" She asked giving him a hug.
"Good I'm good."
"You're Grace. Grace Easterling."
"Yeah, yeah I am."
"How do you know who she is?" Isadora asked.
"We at the new VFD keep track of all rising celebrities to A list celebrities, Grace being one of our rising."
"You're a celebrity?" Violet asked.
"I don't consider myself one but I have 2.4 million followers on Instagram because I make music." I said.

I was shocked. I would think that celebrities would be all cocky and I mean, they would seem like they're famous, but she doesn't at all. And I don't mean that in a bad way, I mean she is just as beautiful even more beautiful than any model I've seen, but she's very humble and sweet. Nothing I would imagine of anyone with lots of money.

But I guess my parents were that way too. They were rich and never bragged about the money they had.

"That's why I'm here actually. I saw that Grace was here and I wanted to recruit her."
"Recruit me for what?" She asked.
"VFD. We help people in need that are apart of our foundation and we help fight fires all over the country."
"Oh... so you want me to help?"
"Absolutely. These kids here are all apart of it as well."
"Well... I guess I could..."
"Alright, we'll start your training soon. You must not tell your friends though."

Well I guess I will be seeing her more often than I thought...

𝙳𝚢𝚕𝚊𝚗 𝙺𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜Where stories live. Discover now