Dylan Kingwell~ PDA

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Dylan and I have been dating for over a year, our one year anniversary was actually just a couple weeks ago, but today he wanted me to go to the bsc season 2 set with him.

Of course I said yes, I could never say no to him. I also wanted to meet the girls. They have joined some of Dylan's lives before when I was with him, and they are really nice.

I get along mostly with Sophia and Shay, but I get along with them all really well.

Dylan just recently got his license to drive on his own, so he can now legally drive me anywhere we want. So we hopped in his car and drove to the set.

He opened my door to the car, and gave me a hand to help me out. I complain every time he does that because it's not like I'm a grandma, I can walk on my own.

But anyway, we walk up to the door and he checks in so the directors and producers and everyone really, knows that he's there.

Then we go to his trailer which he shares with Ethan who plays Charlie.

They aren't in much in the show, but they still have to go because they need to be there if they have to reshoot a certain scene, or they want to throw the boys in.

We walked inside and Ethan was already there. I smiled at him and gave a little wave. He smiled back and nodded.

"So this is the lucky one, hm, Dylan?" He said rhetorically.

Dylan rolled his eyes. "Yeah, dude. Don't need to be weird about it."

I laughed a little. Ethan shook my hand and nodded and I did the same.

We stayed in there and talked for a while until the boys were needed for set so we all walked to the scene.

This part was being taken in Claudia's room, so all of the girls were there. They all looked at me and then at Dylan and then back at me.

I was just awkwardly standing there for a minute until the girls all squealed and gave me a hug. I laughed and hugged them back.

"Ok, can you not kill my girlfriend please?" Dylan asked. The girls and I pulled out of the hug and I punched his shoulder.

He pouted and held his arm like it hurt. I know he's an actor and all, but I knew when he was faking it.

"Oh, you big baby." I playfully rolled my eyes at him.
"Can I have a kiss to make it feel better?"

I sighed and kissed him. He smiled and I smiled too. The girls awed and I giggled a bit.

They filmed their scenes and then they were on their break, so Dylan and I sat with them in the break room. I was on his lap and he kept kissing me over and over again.

He held my hands and had his chin resting on my shoulder.

He started singing I Want To Hold Your Hand in my ear. I laughed a bit and sang along.

The others laughed and joined along, and we spent the rest of that day together just talking.

I'm lucky to have Dylan in my life.

This was requested by one of my readers, so thank you so much @agotzmann !!!

Also if there is something you want to read or an imagine you want me to make, just let me know

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