Duncan Quagmire~ See You Again

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Okay, just to make my life easier I'm giving the characters names. This one will be Marissa Caliban.

My mom is Olivia Caliban, also known as the librarian at Prufrok Prep.

I had to unfortunately attend that ghastly school, and I had no friends. Until two triplet orphans came to the school. I quickly befriended the two and we became very close friends.

After a while three more orphans came to the school. A girl who was the oldest, a boy who was about my age, and a baby.

We also quickly friended them and we tried helping the Baudelaires escape from Count Olaf who wouldn't stop at any extent to get to their fortune that their parents left for them for when Violet comes of age.

The Baudelaires got stuck running laps from sundown to sunrise so they failed all their tests and had to take a comprehensive exam, but they still had to run laps the night before.

To help them out, the two triplets dressed themselves like Violet and Klaus and we made a flour Sunny that was attached to a string so the Quagmires could pull it around.

Everything was going good until the string broke and then the flour Sunny stopped moving. Count Olaf realized that the whole thing was a trick and he ran after the Quagmires into the library, where his accomplice found them and kidnapped them.

Luckily, the Baudelaires passed their exams and Count Olaf got caught being Coach Genghis, but he got away with the Quagmires.

After that the Baudelaires were sent to live with Esme and Jerome Squalor in a penthouse.

My mom and I met Jacques Snicket and he was fortunately apart of VFD. We searched the entire apartment for the Quagmires but we couldn't find them. We did see that the Baudelaires had an idea as to where they were going, so we let them go on with their investigation.

They found the Quagmires but they were soon kidnapped once again and smuggled out of town. I went with the Baudelaires to the town of VFD, where they had to do countless amounts of chores and had to live with a guy named Hector.

We have searched the whole town to find the Quagmires and we couldn't find them. We found the red herring from the auction and they weren't in there, but there was some writing on the side.

"What does it say?" Violet asked.
"M C + D Q? What does that mean?" Klaus asked.

I blushed a deep red and just ignored the writing. Klaus and Violet noticed and smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the abandoned fire station/bar thing.

I sighed and leaned against the wall. Then a crow came by and dropped some pieces of paper. I caught them in my hand and read them. They were couplets... Isadora.

This continued for the next few days until one day they seemed to have stopped coming. I spent hours just sitting at a desk in Hectors house reading the couplets over and over again.

Until it finally hit me.

"I know where they are!" I exclaimed, shocking the Baudelaires.
"Where?" They asked.
"At the fountain. Come on."

I ran out of the house and all the way to the middle of town.

"How are going to get in there?" Klaus said.
"I remember in one of the couplets, it mentioned a beak, what if the beak was a lever or something."

We thought it over and decided to give it a try. We lifted Sunny up to the beak and she pulled it down. The Baudelaires and I lost our balance and fell, leaving Sunny hanging on for dear life.

"Sunny!" Violet exclaimed.

The fountain ended up opening and Sunny fell from the beak. Violet and Klaus caught her in their arms and we watched the fountain open.

Inside there were lost looking, dazed and dirty Quagmires, but none of us cared.

I got up and ran over to Duncan while he did the same.

"Duncan! "

He threw his arms around me and picked me up by my waist. I cried into his shoulder as I wrapped my legs around his hips. He cried as well and we stayed in a tight hug for a few minutes, not minding that he is still damp from the fountain water.

When we released from the hug he cupped my face with his hands.

"Are you okay? You're not hurt, are you?" He asked.
"No, I'm fine. What about you, are you okay?" I asked him.
"I'm fine now that I have you."

I blushed and kissed his cheek, pulling him into another hug.

"Alright, lovebirds, we're in a little bit of a situation here."


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