Dylan Kingwell~ Alone Together

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Name is Brynn Evans
Warning ⚠️ : kidnapping and physical abuse

Today was a normal day for me. I was on my way home from school. I decided to walk today to get some exercise in because I didn't have track practice and I needed to keep my steps in.

I had my AirPods in and I was doing my daily dose of Taylor when I heard a car beside me. I didn't think much of it. Cars usually pass by. But the only thing different about this one is that it didn't pass by. It followed me.

I tried speed walking to my house to make it look less like I knew what was happening, but I broke into a sprint when the car stopped and a man with a bat hopped out.

I ran all the way to a neighbors house and knocked on the door.

"Come on, come on, please, please please be home." I pleaded.
"Hi, sweetheart, we're not home right now."
"I need your help. Someone's trying to kidnap me."
"Where is he, Brynn?" They asked.
"I-I don't know. He was right behind me-"

I got whacked in the head and everything went black.

*several hours later*

I woke up in a small bedroom that could fit two people in it comfortably, with a pounding headache. I felt a hot towel on my head and I went to touch it but I was gently stopped by someone's hand pulling mine away.

"Yeah, I wouldn't do that if I were you. Are you okay?" The boy asked.

I looked at him and slowly nodded. He gave me a small smile and pushed the hair off my face.

"I know it hurts. He swings the bat like he's making a home run." He chuckled.
"Y-yeah... I can tell.." I said.
"Sh sh sh, don't say anything. Just relax okay?"

I nodded a bit. He smiled again and went over to a closet.

"Are you cold?" He asked while looking at me.

I nodded. He went inside the closet and pulled out a blanket. He walked over and draped it over my body.

"Yeah, he never turns the heat on in here. I'm always cold too." He sighed and then turned serious.
"You know, I'm really sorry this happened to you. He got me a couple years ago and no one's looked for me so..."

I thought for a second and then remembered a couple years ago a boy named Dylan Kingwell got kidnapped and hasn't been found since.

"A-are you Dylan?" I asked.
"Yeah, how'd you know?"
"You've been all over the news for the past 3 years. Your family has been looking everywhere for you." I said.
"Really?" He asked.

I nodded and sat up. He helped me up and rested his hand on my back.

"I-I'm Brynn. Brynn Evans." I said.

He smiled and shook my hand. He looked at my head and his eyes widened.

"Shit." He said and ran to the bathroom.
"Dylan?" I asked.

He came back with a towel and gently but firmly held it on my head.

"Dylan, am I ok?" I asked.
"You'll be fine, princess, I promise."
"Princess?" I asked.
"O-oh I didn't mean to-"
"No... it's cute... I was just surprised."
"Okay... good." I smiled but winced.

He gently laid me back down and held the towel on my head. Neither one of us said anything until we heard banging footsteps walking up the stairs.

"Fuck." He said.

He picked me up and sat me in the closet and closed the door, locking it behind him before he walked out.


I heard the door to the bedroom swing open.

"Where's the girl?" He asked.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Dylan said.
"Where.is.she?" The man said starting to lose his patience.
"I said . I.don't.know."

The man got angry and the next thing I heard was a loud bang and something fell to the floor. I heard the man leave and I quickly unlocked the door and saw Dylan lying on the floor in pain.

"Dylan, are you okay?" I asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I've gotten used to it."
"Why'd you do that?"
"Do what?"
"He wanted to hurt me. Why didn't you let him?"
"You're already hurt enough. I can't let him hurt you anymore. You don't deserve to he here. You deserve to be at your house with your family."
"But you don't deserve to be here either. Dylan I don't even know you and you already protected me."
"I made a promise to myself that I will never let that man hurt anyone. I intend to keep that promise."
"Dylan, has anyone ever been here besides us?"
"No. I've always been alone here."

I grabbed his hand and gently squeezed.

"We can be alone together, Dylan."

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