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Peter watched from the top of a building as two robbers attempted to steal an ATM—quite literally. Cable hooked onto a Prius of all things (seriously, how had the car not already been torn apart?), one person at the wheel, revving the engine while another watched to make sure it didn't come unhooked. He shook his head. People were extremely stupid sometimes.

He jumped off the building, shooting out a web, already running through different quips he could use when he confronted them. As soon as the web stuck to the building he had aimed it at, though, it... it broke.

As he plummeted towards the ground, Spidey Senses screaming at him, he ran through his options. Clearly, he couldn't shoot another web and swing up, because chances were it would break, and then he'd be in the same situation, just having pulled himself higher. But he could shoot one and not pull up, breaking his fall somewhat.

He glanced around wildly, the ground getting closer—of course it had to be an alley, why was it always an alley?—and shot one towards the rim of a building. He hung in the air for a split second before that web, too, snapped, and he fell the rest of the way down.

Well, 15 feet is better than 30, he thought, before a loud CRACK sounded, his leg exploded with pain, and everything went black.



Peter why aren't you answering my texts?

Your location says you've been in an alley for almost an hour


I'm calling May.


Peter opened his eyes to bright white lights. "Mmmm," he said unintelligibly, shielding his eyes. "Shielding," he thought. "That's funny... because S.H.I.E.L.D.... and the Avengers..."

"Peter?" he looked around. Aunt May was sitting beside him... beside? He was lying down in a... hospital bed. But why was he in a hospital? "Hi Aunt May," he giggled. Everything seemed funny for some reason.

Then he remembered. "I fell off a building."

"I know hon," she smiled sadly at him.

"My webs broke." he laughed.

"Sleep, Peter."

Sleep... that sounded like a good idea...


Dr. Ruffalo
Hello Mr. Parker! Are you ready for our lesson?

Hello Dr. Ruffalo. This is Parker's mom. Parker fell and broke his leg badly. He's currently on anesthesia, so I'm afraid he won't be able to do the lessons for a few days.

Dr. Ruffalo
I'm sorry to hear that! No worries, just have him contact me when he's feeling better.

Will do!


Tony walked into the living room of the Avengers Compound, frowning at his phone. "What is it?" Pepper asked from the couch, holding a two-year-old girl.

"Peter broke his leg in three different places," Tony said, putting his phone in his pocket and smiling at his daughter. "How are you?"

"Tired," Pepper laughed. "She just woke up from a nap. So, Fury tells me you weren't paying attention in your last meeting."

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