We're In the Endgame Now

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A/N: We've hit 2K!! Thank you guys so much!!!

He had to fix it. He couldn't let it happen again. He couldn't let them...

Never mind. The point was he had another chance to fix this. There were 14,000,604 ways to fail, and only 1 to succeed. Not great odds, but he knew he could do it. Besides, she was counting on him.

They all were.

He had to do things exactly the same way he had done them last time, with a few exceptions obviously. He just hoped he could remember everything while still keeping the shield in his mind that Wanda had taught him up.

He might be keeping himself captive in his closet (probably not the best idea, but whatever), but if he succeeded, it would all be worth it. If his calculations were correct (and they usually were) Thanos' "children" would arrive in one week. And if he failed...

At least he would be able to see his family one last time.


Right-Hand Dork
Why is life so hard?

Wish I knew the answer

Captain Frisbee
Life isn't that bad!

Coffee Einstein
Says you

Deaf Dork
I agree with Frisbee

Right-Hand Dork
You're taking Cap's side?

Thanks for that


Coffee Einstein 

Right-Hand Dork
It's a nickname

Like CE?

Captain Frisbee


"EVIE!!!!" Morgan jumped on her the second she walked through the doors of the compound. As Peter followed, he too got tackled by the little girl.

Peter laughed and squeezed Morgan tight, attempting not to cry. "Your leg all better?" she asked him.

"All better!" he responded. She sat back and looked at him seriously.

"Why you sad?"

"I'm not," he responded quickly.

Too quickly.

Evie helped him up and gave him a searching look. Something was... off about her twin, though she couldn't pin exactly what. It looked as if he had somehow become... what? Burdened? Overwhelmed? Older, even? He looked as if he was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. Evie knew he took his role as Spider-Man seriously, but this seemed a bit dramatic.

"Are you sure you're good?" she asked him. He nodded, his normal carefree smile back on his face. She gave him a skeptical look, but let it go.

"So, I've been wondering... do the people on the chat seem familiar to you?"

Peter hesitated. "A little, yeah."

She laughed. "Wouldn't it be crazy if we knew them in real life?" He laughed too, though it seemed a bit forced. "Totally."

Peter wanted to hit himself. That wasn't what he had said last time! He shook his head. He would have to be more careful.


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