I Can't Have It

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"EVELYN AMELIA PARKER!" Aunt May wrapped Evie in a huge hug the minute she walked through the door. "What on earth were you thinking?! And Peter-" she stopped. "Where's Peter?!"

"That's a little bit hard to explain." Evie untangled herself and rushed to Peter's room. She threw open the closet door and Peter blinked sleepily up at her, tied up and gagged. She removed his bonds and he stood up slowly, weak.

"I was wondering when you'd come," he said, his laugh frail and shaky. Aunt May walked in. "Oh my gosh, Peter! What happened?"

Peter winced. "Well..." his eyes closed again and he passed out. "I'll explain in a minute May," Evie said hurriedly, carrying her twin outside where Tony waited. They set him carefully in the back and while Evie climbed in, Tony spoke to May for a second before getting in and driving off. Evie saw in the rearview mirror that her aunt was following them.

As they pulled up to the compound, Tony carefully carried Peter inside and towards the medbay. Aunt May put an arm around Evie as they walked and she leaned into her.

As Peter was set down on a bed, Bruce walked out and put an IV in him before scanning to see what else needed to be done. 

Morgan walked in, and upon seeing Tony, ran towards him. He picked her up and she buried her face into his shoulder, crying. 

"Wh-why you l-leave?"

He rubbed her back. "Daddy had to go save the world." She looked up at him. "You go to be Iron Man?"

"Yes, daddy had to go be Iron Man." She considered him for a second. "I come with you next time." He smiled at her and, satisfied, she put her head back on his shoulder and fell asleep.

"He's mostly fine, a little malnourished and his muscles are cramped from not being used for so long. He'll need to stay here overnight just in case though." Bruce had come back in. Aunt May breathed a sigh of relief. "Now will someone please explain what's going on?!"

Evie had disappeared, so May turned towards Tony, who sighed. "You might want to sit down."


The Twin
We're back

And uh


You were right

The Bad**s Friend

The Twin
Peter did havw someone in his closet

The Guy in the Chair
He did?!


The Twin

The Bad**s Friend

The Twin
So apparently

Future Peter camr back in time

Put Past Peter on his closet

To stop Thanos

The Guy in the Chair
Did it work?

The Twin

Nobodys gone this timw

The Bad**s Friend
You mean...

They failed last time?

The Twin

Appaently me and MJ blipped

The Guy in the Chair

I'm glad it worked

The Twin
Me too

The Bad**s Friend
So where is this Peter now

The Twin
He left

We got our Peter

He's in the madbay resting

The Guy in the Chair


Peter awoke, dizzy. "Not again," he thought. He opened his eyes and saw a blurry figure. "Could you stop doing that? It's getting annoying."

"Peter!" Peter blinked and things got clearer. He realized that Evie was standing there. He lay silent for a second, then asked, "So he's gone?"


"Did he succeed?"


"What would've happened if he hadn't?"

There was a pause. "I wouldn't be here. Neither would May or MJ."

Peter nodded slightly. "Then at least he did something useful."




Technically that was the future version of me

It was still you.


I guess

>>>Incoming FaceTime call from MJ<<<

Peter clicked accept and MJ's face filled the screen. She looked at him hard. "Don't ever do something like that without telling me."

He smiled, something he hadn't done since he awoke in the medbay. "I promise."

"When will you be home?"

"Tomorrow probably."

"Good. I'll see you then." And with that, she hung up. Peter sighed and shook his head, still smiling. He loved her so much.

"So why don't you tell her?" asked the little voice in his head.

"Because I don't know if she likes me that way," he responded.

"You'll never know if you don't ask."

"Shut up," he muttered aloud. "Besides, she could never have a normal life with me. I can't have a normal life. There's no point in trying." With that, he attempted to go back to sleep.

Across town, in a small apartment, an African-American girl who had just hung up the phone was having the same discussion with herself.

"Why is it so hard for me to connect?" MJ asked herself. She knew full well the reason, but that didn't stop her from questioning it.

"All I want is to be able to connect with people, to have a mostly normal life- one that includes Peter." She sighed, rolling over to go to sleep. 

"Why can't I just have that?"

*sighs* well, they'll find each other eventually. Sorry it's kinda short, I'm doing school. Hopefully I'll be able to update more often now that break is over (crazy right, that I have more time during the school year than during break), but we'll see.
Love you guys!


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