You'll Be In My Heart

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TW: The following may be sensitive to some readers. Please proceed with caution. If you do not wish to read it, please stop when you get to the &*&*& and skip ahead until you get to the second &*&*&.

AN: ALSO, to clear up all the CONFUSION (Evie's doing) we had earlier in one of the comments, check the top for a picture of Evie's suit.

"What are you gonna do about the water monster?" Ned asked as soon as Peter shut the door.

"Nothing. It's dead. Besides, that Mysterio guy's all over it." Ned was looking at him in confusion and Peter walked towards the bathroom. "I just wanna spend some time with MJ. We were talking about Paris, and," he shrugged, "I think she really likes me."

Ned smiled. "That's nice. Reminds me of when Betty and I first fell in love. I had just finished my fruit cobbler, right, and-" he abruptly cut off and fell onto the bed. Peter stared at him in shock, toothbrush in his mouth.

"You're a very difficult person to contact, Spider-Man."

Peter whipped around, toothbrush still in his mouth, to see Nick Fury sitting in a chair, gun in hand. Evie stood next to him in her suit, giving him a look. He took out his toothbrush. 

"You're Nick Fury." He looked at Ned again. "...and you just shot Ned."

"It's a mild tranquilizer. He'll be all right. So good to finally meet you. I saw you at the compound when you were unconscious, but I figured that was a bad time to exchange numbers."

Peter chuckled nervously. "No, that would've been really inappropriate."

"That's what I just said."


"The important thing is, you're here. I tried to bring you here. You avoided me, and now you're here. What a coincidence."

Peter leaned forward. "Wait. Was this a coincidence?" Evie sighed.

Fury ignored the question. "I know almost everything. But then suddenly, a giant alien shows up, my team disappears, and a high school kid is dodging my calls. But here's what I do know." He set down a small holographic projector that showed the earth, and Evie walked over to stand by Peter. "A week ago, a village in Mexico was wiped out by a cyclone." The projector changed to show the village while also projecting small, soundless videos of the storm. "Witnesses say that cyclone had a face."

Ned snored loudly and the man turned and gave him an exasperated look. "Three days later, a similar event in Morocco. A village was-"

There was a knock on the door. Fury aimed his gun as Mr. Harrington walked in. Evie pressed against the wall. "Just making the rounds, see if anyone needs any counseling after today's traumatic events."

"No, we'll be okay. We're fine. Thank you," Peter said quickly. Fury's finger was on the trigger.

"Great because I'm-I'm not qualified to actually-" he spotted Ned and lowered his voice to a whisper. "Oh, he's passed out. I'm not qualified to do it anyway, so good night." He closed the door.

"That was my teacher. Sorry about that," Peter said nervously. "You were saying?"

Fury lowered the pistol slightly. "A village was destroyed by what may well be another world-threatening-"

There was another knock on the door, and Betty's voice spoke. "Babe, you still awake? You're not answering any of my texts."

"Um, he's asleep, Betty," Peter called.

"Oh, already?"

"Mhm. Yeah," he gulped. 


Fury began again. "That's why it's imperative-"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2022 ⏰

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