One More Chance

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"One more chance," he thought, staring out the window of the school bus. "I have one more chance to fix this." Peter glanced behind him to where MJ and Evie were sitting.

"MJ... she's gone. Just... disappeared. So did almost half the kids in our school." Ned glanced behind Peter. "...where's Evie?"


Ned's eyes widened and he hugged Peter. They stayed like that until his mom came to pick him up. 

"Where will you go?"

Peter shrugged. "I'll live with Tony, I guess."

Ned hesitated before getting into the car. "See you around Peter."

"Yeah. Right."

Peter's bus drove out of the parking lot, heading towards the Museum of Modern Art (or Moma). This is where it had started. He had to fix this.

He had to save them.

"It's been five years dad. I can't go on without her."

Tony sighed and sat down in a chair, looking at the picture he had found of the three of them. Evie, Peter, and Tony. They looked so happy there, not knowing what was going to happen.

"I know bud. I miss her too."

"So why don't we figure out how to bring her back?!"

Tony sat up. "You know what? That's exactly what we're going to do."

Peter continued looking out the window, waiting for them to get to the spot where the spaceship rose.

About this time, Heimdall (whoever that was) would apparently be using the last of his strength to send an almost dead Loki to earth to warn them about what would happen next.

"You ok dude?"

Peter turned to see Ned looking at him concernedly.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

They were all coming out of the giant... circle... thingy. Whatever it was called. But what it was called didn't matter.

What mattered was that Evie had just come out, with her white jumpsuit that had a white mask, a teal hood and skirt, and a snowflake on her chest.


"Evie!" He ran to her, hugging her. She hugged him as well, but then stood back, looking at him confusedly. He realized what was wrong.

They were no longer twins.

Ned obviously didn't believe him, but turned away and pulled out his phone anyway.


The Guy In The Chair
Peter seems zoned out

The Twin
He's been like that since yesterfay

He keeps jumping at the smallest noises

The Bad**s Friend
I keep catching him talking to himself

He keeps saying, "I have one more chance. I can't mess it up."

Whatever that means

The Guy In The Chair

He keeps glancing back at you guys

The Twin
I see him

I knoe that look

He's worrued

The Bad**s Friend 
We'll talk to him at the museum

The Twin
Corner him

The Bad**s Friend

The Guy In The Chair
I don't know if that's a good idea

The Twin
It'll be finr

He needs tp talk to us

And he will if it'a the last thing I do


Ned seemed very intent on his phone. This hadn't happened last time. Did he do something wrong?

They were getting closer to the bridge.

Tony turned and stared Thanos dead in the eyes. Peter wanted to shout out, stop him, do SOMETHING, but he was frozen in place.

"I... am..."


"Iron Man." 

He snapped.

Thanos' army, his chitauri, his soldiers, are gone. Then he's gone too.

"Tony... Dad... it's okay, it's okay... Tony, we won. You did it, dad..."

But Tony gazes past him. Rhodey puts his hand on Peter's shoulder, guiding him away. But Peter won't go. He stays there, and Evie joins him.

Pepper joins them. "Hey, Friday, what've we got?"

"Life functions critical," the AI responds. Peter starts crying silently.

Pepper stares into her husband's eyes... and knows. "Tony, look at me. We're going to be okay..."

He stares at her, tears welling in his eyes. "I'm sorry." He looks at the twins and says it again.

"I'm sorry."

Pepper touches his face gently, then leans in to kiss him, holding in the tears that will spill and carry on for hours later.

"You can rest now."

Peter hid his face in his knees, trying not to cry. Morgan deserved a dad. She was the same age he was when his parents died. He had to save Tony for her.

And for him.

He had already lost so many loved ones already. He had to keep it from happening. He couldn't let them down.

The hairs on his arm stood up, and his Spidey Sense tingled. He nodded, as if to tell it he was ready, and stood up.

"One more chance. I can't fail this time."

I'm so sorry guys... I cried too, trust me. I haven't even seen Endgame yet, but I know I'm going to sob so hard when I watch it. 

Not sure when the next chapter will be released, so keep a lookout for it.


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