Secrets, Spies (not stalkers), and Paranoid Spiders

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MJ and Evie had been following (not stalking) flash for the past thirty minutes, communicating in sign once in a while. Evie glanced at her watch. 'I have to go back now or Peter will tell Aunt May to file a missing persons report.'

MJ stifled a laugh and nodded.


Thing 2

Thing 1
I wouldn't respond if I was

Thing 2

Thing 1
You'rw paranoid

Thing 2
Am not!

Thing 1
Are two

>>>Evie has renamed you to Paranoid Peter<<<

>>>You have renamed Evie to Exasperating Evie<<<

Exasperating Evie
That I am

Paranoid Peter
Why do you keep stalking Flash?

Exasperating Evie

Where did you get that idea from?

Paranoid Peter
Don't play dumb

Exasperating Evie


But we werem't stalking him

Just watching him

Paranoid Peter
Sounds like stalking to me

Exasperating Evie
It's not

Paranoid Peter
Oh really

A person who secretly  follows someone, sometimes with unlawful intentions

Exasperating Evie
We don't havw unlawful intentions

Paranoid Peter

Exasperating Evie
I'm outting you on silent now


Paranoid Peter


"Wanna play Starseek?"

Evie looked up from her book. "You're on crutches."

Peter shrugged. "I know."

She laughed. "How are we supposed to play Starseek if you can't run?"

He hesitated. "I don't know. I'm bored though."

Evie laughed again. "We can play, but I'm going to win." He grinned. "Wanna bet?"

Thirty minutes later the two stood in the field near the Avengers Compound. Peter took the three sticks he was holding and crossed two of them into an X shape, then added the other to make a star. Evie handed him the long blue ribbon she had brought that day, and he wound it around the sticks, leaving a long trail. He handed it to Evie.

"Ready?" she asked him.


Evie threw the star as hard as she could towards the tall grass. They watched as it fell. As soon as it touched the ground, they ran.

Peter was surprisingly fast on the crutches, but still not as fast as Evie. Her speed took her past him, where she waved tauntingly and smiled. He glared at her playfully, before smirking and dropping his crutches. She stumbled in surprise.


"Ready to get rid of your crutches?" May asked Peter. He nodded excitedly. "Where's Evie again?"

"She had a piano lesson," his aunt answered. 

"Looks good Mr. Parker," the doctor said. They had switched hospitals so as not to arouse suspicion. She smiled at him. "You can get rid of those crutches now."

Peter grinned. "I can't wait to walk around normally." She brought out an inflatable boot. "You'll have to wear this for a while, but you've been wearing it with the crutches anyway, right?" He nodded.

"Perfect. You're all set!"


Evie recovered quickly and raced to keep up. Peter's surprise had delayed her long enough however that he was far ahead. She was so close. If she could just run a bit faster...

But it was too late. Peter had grabbed the star a second before she had.

"When did you get permission to walk without crutches," she demanded. 

"This morning."

She glared at him. He beamed back.

"What is that game?" a voice asked. 

The twins turned to see Natasha walking towards them. "Starseek," they said at the same time.

"Where did you learn it?"

"It's from a book," Peter answered. He showed her the star. 

"Huh. How do you play?"

"You have to play in a field, or somewhere with tall grass, or it won't work," Evie began.

 "You throw the star as far as you can, and as soon as it lands you and the other players race to see who can get it first." Peter continued. "That's basically the entire game."

Natasha smiled slightly, holding the star. "Mind if I play?"

"Not at all!" 


Hey Mr. Stark! 

This is your phone number, right?

This isn't someone else

If it is I'm really sorry!!!

Relax kid, it's me

Oh good

>>>You have renamed ???? to Mr. Stark<<<

Mr. Stark
You know what?


>>>Mr. Stark has renamed Mr. Stark to Tony<<<

You really need to start calling me that



Ok anyway
Points if you knew where Starseek was from!
For those who didn't, it's from a book called Green Ember, which I highly recommend
And for those who didn't understand what
.-.-.-.-.-. was, it was a time change.

(And yes Evie, the typing mistakes were deliberate)
Have a great day/night!


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