The Missing Aren't Missing, They're Only Departed

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A/N: Kudos to you if you understood the title reference

"You know, I haven't seen Scott in a while," Rhodey mentioned as he scrambled eggs.

"Who is this Scott?" 

Rhodey looked around at Loki. "Why are you still here?"

The man scoffed. "Because I have nowhere else to go."

"Well, why don't you go back to your Ascard or whatever it's called."

Thor spoke up. "Asgard is now in Norway."

Natasha looked at him from her seat on the counter where she was sharpening Clint's arrows, as all her knives were already as sharp as she could get them. "Norway? But you guys had a whole entire planet, right?"

"Yes, but you see," Thor began, and Clint reached up to turn his hearing aids down. "After our father died, our sister, Hela, who is the goddess of death, came, and destroyed Mjolnir-"

Loki sighed exasperatedly. "We found out Thor is the middle child, our sister is evil and the goddess of death, she attempted to kill us and succeeded in killing half our people, and we eventually defeated her, but in doing that we had to cause Ragnorak, which destroyed our home."

"Thank god," Clint muttered, putting his hand back down. 

"Back to what I was saying," Rhodey continued. "Has anyone seen him?"

"No, I don't really keep tabs on him." The entire kitchen stared at Natasha. "What? I don't."

"We all know you keep tabs on everyone," Clint replied. She sighed. "Fine, but I only do it so he doesn't do something stupid."

Sam shrugged. "He's not really as dumb as he acts sometimes, but he's not the brightest either. Especially compared to that Hope girl."

"So no one has seen him?"

"Seen who?" Tony asked, walking in.

"Scott," the entire room said in unison. Tony blinked. "And why are we concerned about him?"

Natasha rolled her eyes. "Because we are apparently caring and compassionate people."

"No, seriously, why are we concerned about him."

Rhodey rolled his eyes. "Because Tony, we care about people?" Tony raised an eyebrow, unconvinced, and Rhodey sighed. "And also cause we don't want him to do something stupid and reckless."

"There it is!" Tony said and immediately pulled up holographic screens as a toddler walked into the kitchen.

She looked at Natasha and said something that would turn this story into a mature rating. Natasha looked over at Tony pointedly, who gaped at his daughter. "Where did you hear that?"

"Mr. Pirate said it!" Morgan responded cheerfully. Tony sighed. "I'm too old for this."

"And she's too young for it," Clint added.

"Shut up Barton."


Coffee Einstein

Queen of All Dorks
Do you NEED something?

Coffee Einstein
Yes actually

Anyone seen Scott?

Deaf Dork

Right-Hand Dork

Punchable Bird
Giant Ant-Man

Right-Hand Dork

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