Back Together

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"So there's a 10 AM to Glasgow so we can get back before Monday," Wanda said to Willow as they strolled in Scotland.

"What if we miss that train?" Willow asked.

Wanda glanced down at her. "There is an 11."

"What if we missed all the trains?" She hesitated. "What if we didn't go back?" Wanda gave her a look. "We can't stay here forever."

"Why not?" Wanda paused. "Why do you want to stay?" 

Willow shrugged her shoulder. "I don't know. People are nicer here."

Wanda looked knowingly at the place where Willow's right arm was supposed to be. When Willow was two, a couple of months before Wanda and Pietro volunteered for Hydra, a building fell on top of them, crushing the little girl's arm. It was rendered unusable and they eventually had to amputate it.

"You could wear a prosthetic."

She groaned. "Mom! How many times do I have to tell you? It's just dead weight. It would be like keeping my other arm." 

Wanda stifled a laugh. Suddenly something caught her eye, however, and she froze.

"Mom? What is it?" Willow's mother pointed at the tv in the bar that showed an alien invasion and the disappearance of Tony Stark. "What are they?" Willow asked, staring at the screen.

"I don't know, but maybe you were right. Maybe we should stay in Scotland for a little longer."

Willow opened her mouth to speak but was cut off when someone grabbed her from behind. "Will!" Wanda yelled. The man alien person thingy (whose name is apparently Corvus Glaive) flew off with Willow pinning her to a wall while a female (who is Proxima Midnight; did anyone else know this?) threw Wanda into a window. 

"WHY THE H*LL DO YOU WANT ME," Willow shouted, trying to squirm away. "You have a very... unique power," he responded. "Come with us and she lives." Willow looked down as her mom fought.

"No," she said and tore out of his grip. He caught her again and flung her into the wall and she hit it with an excruciating cry.

Wanda looked up hearing her cry alarmed and pushed Proxima back with her magic, flying towards them, blasting the alien off her daughter.

"Hands off." 

She grabbed Willow and flew away with her magic, but Proxima hit them with another blast of magic, and they fell into a train station. Willow hit the ground hard and Wanda rushed over.

"Come on, come on. You have to get up honey. Come on Will. We have to go."

She helped her daughter sit up and Willow groaned. "Mami... Myslím, že nemôžem vstať." 

Wanda brushed her back from her forehead. "To je v poriadku baby." The Scarlet Witch stood up and turned around as the invaders closed in on them, determined to protect her daughter. The female looked over Wanda's shoulder, however, confused. Wanda turned her head to look at the passing train. It revealed a shadowy figure standing there. 

Proxima threw her blade at him, but he caught it easily. he stepped out of the shadows, and Wanda relaxed a bit when she saw it was a bearded Steve Rogers. Willow smiled when she saw him as well. 

Sam flew in and took out the alien, shoving her through a window of a restaurant. He then sent missiles at Corvus, and Natasha appeared (though Willow didn't recognize her at first as she had dyed her hair blonde) and Cap threw her the blade, which she stabbed the alien with, then kicked him back.

Proxima summoned her weapon back and went to stab Natasha, but Steve jumped in front of her, grabbing Corvus' weapon and blocking her move.

Both then proceeded to fight her, and Willow was getting a little worried. This alien was good. But then Sam suddenly swooped in and kicked her back, and Willow smiled through the pain.

Sam pointed guns at both aliens and Proxima crawled over to Corvus. "Get up," she hissed. "I can't," he responded. 

"We don't wanna kill you," Natasha said. "But we will."

"You'll never get the chance again," Proxima smirked as they were beamed up. Sam walked over and helped Willow stand. "You good?" 

She gave him a look. "Do I look like I'm good?"

"Let's get you on the jet," Cap said, and they all walked on, Willow leaning on Sam. Natasha closed the doors, then helped the redhead to a seat while Sam went to the cockpit.

"Where to, Cap?" he asked. Steve looked out the window. "Home."


Captain Frisbee
We need to tell them so they'll listen to us

Darth Dork
Tell us what?

Fighting Spider
You're right

Punchable Bird
I guess

Queen of All Dorks
You guys are the Avengers aren't you

Captain Frisbee
How did you know...

Queen of All Dorks
Peter suspected


You guys do know Peter and Evie are in the giant spaceship with Tony, right?

Fighting Spider
As in the Parkers?

Darth Dork

I'm Ned

You already know that's MJ

Queen of All Dorks
I lied to cover Peter's butt



Fighting Spider
They're on the ship?!

Darth Dork


Chaos Oreos

I knew

Punchable Bird
Why didn't you say anything?

Chaos Oreos


When the Quinjet landed the four walked out and into the Compound, Willow leaning on Wanda. Rhodey stood up when they walked in. "What happened?"

"Aliens, obviously," Willow said, sitting in a chair. Bruce came in. "Did you find them?"

Natasha gave him a side smile. "What do you think?" Bruce blushed lightly and walked over to Willow and started feeling for fractures.

"Did you guys see Tony went up in that spaceship?" Rhodey asked. "Peter and Evie are up there too," Cap responded grimly. "How do you know that?"

"Check your phone."

Rhodey pulled out his phone and read through the texts, then sighed. "It was the twins this entire time?" he asked. 

"Yup," said Natasha. Bruce paused. "Wait, so I was right?"

Everyone turned to look at him. "Right?" Sam said. 

"I asked Tony if he thought it might be Peter, but he refused to listen to me."

"That's Stark for you," Natasha muttered. A man with long black hair dressed in green walked in, holding his side and wincing. "Do you have anything else for the pain by any chance..." The man had a British accent. Loki smiled slightly, almost mischievously. "Well, this is a surprise."

Natasha glared at him. "Why is he here?"

Bruce glanced up. "Let's go somewhere a little more comfortable."

THAT took forever. Definitely won't be releasing any chapters tomorrow as it's thanksgiving, and most likely not on Friday either because that's when we decorate for Christmas. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!


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