Chapter 68

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Elizabeth POV

When William came in he didn't really look at me. Hell I wouldn't even wanna look at me.

Minutes passed filled with silence. I could tell William didn't know what to say or do. So he pulled the chair out and sat down. Even then he didn't make eye contact with me.

I self didn't know what to say or do, all I knew was that one of us had to start.

Just then I saw a few tears roll down

"hey, is everything okay?, are you okay? "

I asked him. Concerned. I tried reaching for his hand, but my body still hurt a little.

He didn't say anything.

"what's wrong William?"

I asked again.

Just then he got up and walked to the window.

He stared out the window with silence. With much difficulty and confusion I sat up a little more.

Alot went through my head. Was he going to leave me? Is he ashamed of me?. I had many unanswered questions racing through my head. But I remained silent and mentally prepared myself for the worst.

You could say a lifetime passed by and still the air was filled with silence. What was going through his head?, why can't he look at me. Just when I though he was going to speak, silence filled the air again.

Getting anxious and irrated with the silence I spoke up.


The tempo in my voice raised a little higher then I wanted.

"what's wrong?, talk to me, is it me?, do you......"

"don't finish that"

He finally said . Although his words were filled with much authority he finally spoke.

"when I look at you. When I look at the bruises that covers your body it reminds me of how helpless I've been these past week. Of how I couldn't find you. It reminds me of the pathetic fiance I am......"

He said. Slowly he turned from the window making eye contact now.

" everyday that passed I had to find a new lie to tell hunter. Yeah Lewis was there but how pathetic can I be for not finding you sooner, how couldn't I get you away before that fucker touched you. I could claw my eyes out for even thinking about his laying his filthy hands on you. "

He said. With his hands in his hair. Defeat and anger was prominent in his eyes.

" hey..... "

He said gently.

" no Elizabeth. We went through all that and I just sat at home waiting for some fucking sign. I lost all hope when the first week ended. I even started picturing a life without you. And I became a fucking drunk, in my thoughts I died of longings, I died in mh tears...."

He then came closer, he shakingly to my hand.

" I'm sorry Elizabeth. I'm sorry you went through all this alone. I'm sorry I didn't find you sooner and I'm sorry for being such a helpless, pathetic asshole who doest deser......... "

Just then I put my finger on his mouth.

"don't you dare say you dont deserve me, because when I was trying to get my life back on track you were there. You helped me without even really knowing it. You a few of the many people that I'm super blessed to have in my life. You and hunter both gave me meaning. You helped me find God again......"

Elizabeth Campbell Where stories live. Discover now