Chapter Five, The Fourth Wall And Fish

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"WHAT IN THE NAME OF NOVA IS THAT?!" yells Lavender"ME'O? IMA BARRACUDA FISHY BOIYO!""what's up barracuda.......?" Cyan says as he shivers in fear."I ONLY FIGURED OUT THERE's a FISH named AfTer Me So I DrEsSEd Up LikE eM'!" Barracuda said as he kinda voice cracks."What kind of drug did he take?!" Heli said."Do we even have drugs in paradise..?" Ketcher says as he stares at Barracuda."Yes." Says Axol as he holds a bag of "powdered sugar"."NoT suRe.... I oNlY hEaRd aBoUt PiNk trIAnGles, That'S It...""The thing is, you're made out of them, aren't you.......?" Orange said.Barracuda is speechless, he sinks back into the ocean.Sapphire exits a portal and is now pink. "Ok, I'm back. Also, who put a glass of water next to my bed?""Why are you pink? WAIT WHY ARE YOU NOT ATTACKING US?" Screams Gottem while hiding in a bush."Oh yeah. My font's pink. So am I. Ah well. And I'm too lazy to attack you."Another person runs in."NO BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL! Oh yeah. Hi. I'm Shapes. Mr Shapes." "Wait what? I'm not allowed? Aren't you?""NO AND NO!" Shouts Mr. Shapes."Ok. And our fonts are black now soo oof," said Ruby."That's a shame," Blavescar said. "But you're at least lucky to actually see colors.""At least you aren't corrupted.""I'm slightly am, I'm related to Blixer.." "WHAT DID I JUST SAY!?" Mr. Shapes said madly."That sentence," said Gottem."NO. HE BROKE THE FOURTH WALL!!""What did you say? I'm imagining our creators drawing us in this situation." Blavescar answers back."UGH." -Tankman



also i forgot abt shapes for a good portion of time hrggr

fun little fact im copying and pasting this off a literal message.txt file

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