You want me? Chap 6

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No one's pov

Eloise was rushed to surgery it turns out that she had some internal bleeding that wasn't detected before it was probably caused by all the times mark had hit her...

Lizzie and scarlet were waiting for the doctor to tell them that Eloise was out of surgery while they waited they decided it was a good idea to talk to the social worker.

Lizzie's pov
"Babe maybe we should talk to the social worker now that Eloise is not here" Scarlett asked me  "I mean I guess so, I'm just worried what If she doesn't make it"  all I could think about was if Eloise wasn't going to make it I mean she has been through so much I don't want to bring my hopes up but I really want her to be okay so we can give her all the love we have to share.
"Baby come on don't think like that she'll be okay" I nodded and we went to talk to the social worker...
"Um hello? We really didn't get your name" Scarlett said
"oh yeah I'm Clara" the social worker answered
"it's juts we were hoping that we could talk to you about Eloise" I said
"yeah sure what about her?"
"We were wondering if your already had a place for her to stay because if you don't we would really like to take her in with us" Scarlett said at witch i nodded
She looked at us with as sceptical look but she answered either way " I actually haven't looked for one but I must warn you Eloise is not an easy girl the thing is she's been in the system for 15 years she's never had anyone to take care of her and if I'm being honest her mental health well we shouldn't even talk about it"
"Look Clara my wife and I believe we can do it, we want to give her a safe home and so much love and we are most sertantly capable of doing that, we understand she has been through a lot but that doesn't mean she doesn't deserve a good home or someone to take care of her"
"Fine, you guys stay here I'll go get all the papers" Clara answered as me and Scarlett looked at each other smiling.

"God I hope we get to keep her with us" I said "me too".

We sat down in the waiting room and it felt like forever when we finally saw the doctor coming up to us smiling which I took as a right sign.

"Everything went well we had a little complication while we were operating but we were able to fix it she will be juts fine and awake in a couple of ours"
"Thank you, thank you so much, can we see her?"
"Off course she's right through here"
Scarlett and I walked into the room to see Eloise hocked up to the same machines she was before but now there's more... I looked back at Scarlett and she had a siypathetic smile.

"I hope she wants to stay with us" I said to Scarlett
"Me too" she answered taking hold of Eloise's hand.

2o minutes  after, we heard the door open I turned to the side to see Clara holding a stack of papers... she smiled when she saw us with Eloise which made Scarlett and I smile.

"Well I got all the paperwork I juts have one question would you guys like to foster to adopt or juts foster?"

I look at Scarlett and we both nod "foster to adopt please" I say
"Alright then how you guys don't have a foster license I'm gonna have to pull some strings but if you sing everything here and everything checks out alright then you should be able to keep her"
"Than you so much" we both say.

Scarlett and I started going through all the paper work we had to sign it was a big stack of signing our names over and over again I looked behind me and saw Eloise still with her eyes closed honestly I was starting to get worried that she hasn't woken up yet but the doctor said it might take a while since she had to rest so I guess it's good she's still asleep so she can get all the rest she can.

After 20 minutes Scarlett and I are finally done with all the paper work we just have to wait for a judge to call us and tell us Eloise can stay with us Clara said they'll call either today in the afternoon or tomorrow morning, I hope they call today I just want to know If Eloise is coming home with us or not.

"Lizzie"I hear scarlet whisper I turn around to see Eloise opening her eyes slowly trying to adjust to the light I immediately run to her side when she's finally able to open her eyes fully she starts scanning the room.

Eloise's pov

I open my eyes and everything is juts to bright I close them again and open them slowly as I adjust at how bright it is. I start scanning the room I have no clue where I am which is scary, my breathing picks up and that's when I feel a hand in my leg I flinch hard and start to hyperventilate...

"Sweetie it's just me and Scarlett come on you need to breath" I hear Lizzie say I try to calm down but I just can't my breathing is still out of place and my stomach starts hurting really bad same as my leg "hunny you need to call down or you're going to hurt yourself" scar says which she's right it is hurting
"Alright how about we do the same as before yeah? I count to 5 and you breath in hold it and then let go slowly 1-2-3-4-5" we do that for a long time until my breathing is controlled...

Wait, but what are they doing here?? What happened to me why does my stomach hurts so bad?? I decide to juts ask I mean we are at a hospital if they hurt me I guess security will come right?

"Umm why are you guys here? What happened? Where's mark? Am I going to die ? Why does my stomach hurt so bad?"
"Hunny,hunny,breath, your okay and your stomach hurts because you just had surgery- "
I cut her off "SURGERY???" Honestly what the hell why did I have surgery??
"Yes hun you had surgery but everything is okay now and mark's in jail" Scarlett tells me
Oh thank god that fucker is locked up.
"You still haven't answered what are you still doing here" they both look at each other before Lizzie speaks up
"Well we were talking to your social worker and we talked and we want you to come live with us"
"Wait you wan to foster me? Why me? You don't even know me"
"Exactly we want to get to know you, take care of you and to love you" yeah right the last person that told me that was a fool I ain't getting fooled again
"You guys don't have to I don't want to be a bother" I say
"Oh sweetie you're not we really want you to stay with us"
I really don't know what to say I mean do I have another option? If I don't go with them where will I go then ?? Honestly my heart is telling me to go with them but my head it's juts telling me other wise. What do I do ? Will they really love me ?
Will Eloise go with them?
Will she trust that they'll love her?
And if she does go will she trust them ?
Hey guys hope you liked this chapter have a nice day and don't forget to take care of yourselves ❤️

Adopted by Scarlett Johansson and Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now