Good days chap 17

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⚠️TW: NONE⚠️


Eloise's pov

"I-I um"
I really want to think this One through the thing is this house is amazing and for what Lizzie and Scarlett have said they actually want me to stay and what if I never get any other home like this one and I lose this opportunity, this week has been hard but it has also been the most stable home I have been to. they give me 3 meals a day sometimes they even offer more, I have my own room and they also seem to be caring I hate that my head is telling me that I shouldn't trust them because I really, really want to and I hate that I doubt everything and everyone I think I'm just going to risk everything and for the first time in my life trust my heart.

"I think I want to stay" I finally say

"I knew you would like this home, they seem really nice and caring Eloise" she says with a smile

I run down the stairs to see Lizzie and Scarlett sitting on the couch holding each other's hands and I just run to them and give them the biggest hug I've ever given.

Scarlett's pov

I hear someone running down the stairs and I look at Lizzie with a puzzled look and she just shrugged when I see our girl running torwards us and
Throws herself in our arms honestly I'm a little confused is she hugging us because she's living or is this I'm staying hug?

I look up to see Clara and me and Lizzie look at her when she gives us a nod and thumbs up me and Lizzie look at each other and we have tears on our eyes and this time they're happy, we immediately hug Eloise tighter and I hear Lizzie tell her she loves her.

"Well here's all the official paper work you'll need for everything, including school" Clara said

"Thank you so much Clara" Lizzie says While we walk her out the door I look behind me to see if El is listening but I see that she isn't so it's perfect

"Hey Clara we wanted to know what we have to do to adopt Eloise" I tell her signaling for her to not make a big deal since Lizzie and I want this to be a surprise

"Ohh I see, well how about I send you all the forms to your email and when you get them all done you send them back to me and I get you started with the whole process"

"That's perfect thank you so much" Lizzie says while closing the door

It's been about 20 minutes since Clara left and honestly we can't believe Eloise chose to stay we've never been happier.

Lizzie's pov

God I'm so happy she stayed with us I know this is going to be a long and hard ride but I'm so excited for it.

"Hey girls what do you want to do for today since it's only 11:00 am" I ask them

"Well El you haven't tried the pool yet wanna go for a swim?" Scarlett asks our girl

"I-I um I don't know how to swim, sorry" she says
Which kinda broke my heart I mean that just shows how little of a parent figure she's had all her life but maybe this is good and we can have so bonding time with this.

"How about we teach you?" I tell her and her face immediately light up

"Yeah, okay" and she tan as fast as she could to get changed

Five minutes later Scarlett and I were waiting for Eloise to show up.

Scarlett's pov

"Imma go see what's wrong" I say to Lizzie

Adopted by Scarlett Johansson and Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now