Reassuring chap 49

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Eloise's pov

"M-mom what's happening?" I asked her since I'm scared I might've done something to mama and the baby this was all my fault

"I don't know El, I don't know" says mom with her voice braking at the end

"I'm sorry mom this is all my fault, I'm so sorry " I tell her

" no El this isn't your fault, okay?" Told me mom but I don't know...

"B-but it is, if I hadn't left then I wouldn't be here mama wouldn't be in there and if I hadn't left then mama would be okay she would be at home and she wouldn't be worrying about me I-I"

"Eloise no this wasn't your fault yes you shouldn't have left that was wrong and we are obviously not happy about that but baby what happened to your mama and what happened to you wasn't your fault either" she tells me and I can't help but cry

"He-he touched me I-I told him to stop I-" I was stoped by a sob that came out of my mouth and I started having trouble breathing

"Baby it's okay breath okay? I know it isn't your fault what he did was wrong in so many levels okay? It wasn't you" she told me

After a while I calmed down and waited for someone to tell us something about mama and the baby I'm still so nervous I could literally shit myself right now

We have been waiting for soooo long and finally a doctor came in and told us that mama and the baby were alright, but mama had to stay a little longer so they can monitor her he said that it happened because she wasn't resting enough and her stress levels were sky high, he also asked if we wanted her to come into our same room and we obviously said yes

"Hey mama" I said while the nurses whiled her in the room beside me

"Hey baby girl" she said grabbing my hand and as she does that I immediately get tears in my eyes

"I'm so sorry I really am I didn't mean for this to happen mommy really I'm so so sorry" I said while not even looking at her and my voice breaking

"Eloise, look at me" said mama and I finally had the courage to look up at her

"Look baby I know you feel guilty about this, but this isn't your fault, I have to admit that I was really worried about you and all I wanted was to find you and I know you may be scared about this baby but baby I want you to know that I will love you both equally, you're as much as my kid as this baby is going to be okay? I really don't want you to feel like we're not going to love you anymore because that's never going to happen I've said it before El you're stuck with us" said mama while tears run down her cheeks

"I-I" I try to say but get cut off by mom

"Eloise you're mama is right we know we should've told you before going through the whole process and see if you were on board for it but baby now that it's done we don't want you to feel like we don't want you anymore because that's not true we know it's going to be a little harder to have a baby around and maybe we'll have to divide our attention but El we would never ever send you away you hear me?" Said mom

"I-Im so sorry I really thought you guys didn't want me anymore I just every time people would come or ask to adopt kids they always wanted younger children and when they adopted older ones the couples would get pregnant and then out of nowhere the older kids would be back in the system and I know it's kinda fucked that I thought you guys would do that because deep down I know you guys wouldn't but my head sometimes messes up with me and-and now because of this shit I have gone back to-to before I- fuck I'm so dumb" I said

"Eloise no don't you dare talk about it like it's your fault okay? This wasn't your fault that man should have never ever put his hands on you and while yes you may have ran away that doesn't mean he had the right to do what he did okay?" Said mom

"I-I okay" I said looking down and playing with my fingers

"Come here" said mama and I looked at her puzzled

"Come lay with me" she said

"But what if i hurt you?" Looking over at her

"You won't baby, you won't" she said while helping me move to her bed and I layed my head on her chest and looked up at her and then I caressed her tummy

"Hello there baby I'm your sister, I know it didn't seem like it at first but I really want to meet you now" I said and started humming one of my favorite songs but then I heard a sniffle, when I look up I see mom and mama crying

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked sense both of them were crying and that was a little weird

"N-no baby you did nothing wrong, this are happy tears" said mom while mama just played with my hair and I started to fall asleep...


Guys I'm so sorry I know it's been sooooo long and this chapter isn't really long but let's just say I was in a writers block and didn't have the energy to write I'm so so sorry.

Love you guys

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