Found? chap 46

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⚠️TW: NONE⚠️


Scarlett's pov

I called Chris and Robert so they could help us look for El the thing is I really didn't want Lizzie to be walking around here at night since it is late and I don't want her to get sick or hurt.

"I don't know where else to look" said Chris while we were on the phone and I just shingned I tried not to make it to obvios since Lizzie was in the living room fidgeting with everything she could find

"Just come back I guess" I told Chris , I swear if Robert doesn't find her I will call the police

Roberts pov

I walk over to the park and hope to find El here I look around and I hear little sniffles so I look closer to the play ground and I see a siluette and I hope it's El I get closer and finally see her curls and I know it's her

I quietly walk up to her and I already know she's seen me

"Your moms are worried you know" I tell her

Eloise's pov

"Your moms are worried you know" grandpa tells me and I just huff that's not true they don't want me

"Oh don't huff you know it's true" he tells me again

"No it isn't" I say and sob but I almost choke since I didn't want him to hear it but he did anyway

"Come here" he said while opening his arms and I just fall into them and cry hard, as hard as I can

I feel heartbroken like I've literally just been played, I feel like throwing up

"They don't want me anymore" I tell him while sobbing hard

"Hey no, look at me, look at me" he says and I look at him with tears tuning down my cheeks

"They love you Eloise more than you know you are their world and their life ever since you came into their life they have been the happiest ever, you Eloise have made their life better you gave them purpose just because you are having a little sibling doesn't mean they don't love you anymore they love you just as much as they did before" he tells me and I want to believe him I do but there's something in my head that just won't let me...

"Come on let's get you home" he says and I juts nod I mean what else can I do I am cold and I do want my headphones since I forgot to bring them

We walk in and I don't look up but I feel two arms wrap around me and I smell lavender and I just know it's mom she hugs me tight while mama also wraps her arms around me and juts cry's I do feel kinda bad but I can't fall for their act I know they are lying.

After they are done hugging me I just go upstairs and layed down on my bed just looking at the ceiling without even noticing that I had tears running down my cheeks and that it had already passed three hours since I got home

I look out the window and I see the moon shining so I look at my phone and see that it's 5 in the morning so if I am going to leave it has to be now

I grab everything and this time not forgetting my headphones and I head out from the back door where I know there's not a lot of light so they can't see me if for some reason moms are awake

I get down the street and think about where I'm going I decide to go to the nearest bus station and just take the first bus that passes

After five minutes a bus arrives and it says it's going to downtown so I guess that's where I'm heading I get inside and look around there's 2 man inside and obviously the driver I try not to feel scared and just sit down far away from them but they keep looking at me it's hard not to freak out

We finally arrive and I get out of the bus I see that the sun is rising so it must've been a good while I keep walking not really knowing where I'm going when I feel someone following me....

Scarlett's pov

I wake up besides Lizzie and I study her face and just look at how cute she looks when she's sleeping I rub her stomach thinking of our little baby inside and just imagining the 4 of us playing around in the pool and being just as happy as ever

She starts to stir so I look over and she opens her eyes

"Hi baby" I tell her while I give her a little kiss on the lips

"Hi my love" she tells me and I keep rubbing her belly

"I'm so excited" I tell her while gesturing to her belly

"Me too I can't wait" she tells me and puts her hand over mine

"We should check up on El" I tell her since it's already 10am and she should be waking up soon

"You're right but I'm just so tired and my back hurts " Lizzie tells me

"We'll I guess we can wait a little bit I can give you a back massage?" I tell her and she immediately nods

After a while I look over at the clock and it's already 11 am and Eloise hasn't come into our room and I haven't heard her either so I start to get nervous and go up to her room

I nock first since I know she doesn't like it when we barge into her room but I get no answer so I try again but still no answer so this time I just open the door and I see her bed empty. Fuck

"LIZZIE" I yell for her to come here and make sure she sees what I'm seeing

"W-what  what's going on?" She says while coming inside

"S-she she's not here Eloise is not here!" I tell her and she looks around her room seeing how empty it is

"FUCK AGAIN??" She says looking a little annoyed

"I know what are we going to do??? Should we call the police I mean fuck I thought everything was good since last night I mean she came back" I tell Lizzie

"I know but looks like it wasn't" she tells me again

"It's not that I'm not worried it's just how can she do this again?? How can she just fucking leave" I say frustrated

"I know I'm mad too okay but we need to look for her" Lizzie tells me rubbing my arm

"I guess so" I tell her


What will happen to Eloise?
Will Lizzie and Scarlett be mad?


Hey guys hope you like this chapter Don't forget to take care of yourselves 🫶

Adopted by Scarlett Johansson and Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now