Hard times chap 11

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3 days later

Lizzie's pov

"Hey babe I'm gonna go wake Eloise up we have an hour before we have to go to the hospital" yep we're going to the hospital El is getting her stitches removed which is good

" El sweetie wake up" I said shaking her a little bit she didn't budge so I shaked her harder and she finally opened her eyes "there they are my favorite pare of eyes" I said smiling to her
"Nooooo" she groans welp I guess she's not a morning person.
"Come on baby you have to get ready you're getting those stitches off remember" with that she finally sat up and I left her to get ready.
"Okay she's awake but she's definitely not a morning person" I say with a chuckle
"Hahaha neither are you" says Scarlett witch is a fact.

Eloise's pov

I walk down to the kitchen to see breakfast ready and honestly I'm not hungry or in the best mood, like at all, so I just sit there staring at the food.

"Hunny are you not going to eat" Scarlett asks me

"I'm not hungry" I say with attitude and I honestly don't know where it came from.

"Come on sweetie juts a little bit" Lizzie pushed

"Yeah you have to eat something" Scarlett said

"Yeah maybe we can make you something different if you don't want this"

"Would you like some fruit maybe or waffles we-"


Scarlett's pov
Oh hell no she is not talking to me like that
"young lady you're eating that food and that's final"

"I already told you IM NOT HUNGRY" she said leaving the table and stumping up the stairs


"WHY SHOULD I? YOU'RE NOT MY MOM" and slammed her room door.  Wow, okay that hurt.

I turned around to see Lizzie with a sympathetic look and I just cried.

"Oh baby it's okay" Lizzie said coming to hug me but the thing is I'm not okay I want to be Eloise's mother but she doesn't see me that way and it hurts.

"I want to be her mom" I sobbed into Lizzie's chest

"I know, I know you do" we stayed like that for a little bit.

"Maybe you should check on El"

"Are you sure?"


Eloise's pov

I just slammed the door and started crying god why Am I so stupid now they're going to send me away they don't even like me now they probably hate me.

I hugged my legs to my chest the thing is I really don't know why I started yelling the only thing they were doing was worry about me which I find kind off confusing is that why I snapped? Because I didn't know how to react? Godddddd Why am I like this why can't I just let people in.

I hear someone noking at the door I really don't want to see anyone right now.

"Come on El it's me, let me in" Lizzie said, I thought about it for a little bit and I finally opened the door

"Oh sweetie" she said before wrapping her arms around me.

"Hey it's okay" she said

" no it's not she hates me, she hates me and you probably do to, great I'm such a disappointment to everybody I'm so stupid you're just going to send me back, no, no but I can't go back I don't want to see mark again, no, I gotta go, I gotta go"

Lizzie's pov

El started rambling about how she had to go and how she couldn't see mark anymore and before I knew it she had a back pack and started packing all her clothes in there.

"El baby, El we're not sending you back" i said trying to get her attention but it wasn't working she juts kept saying "got to go" and packing as fast as she could.

"Baby listen to me, we're not sending you anywhere"
I tried again this time trying to get a hold of her hands but nothing was working, when I hear
"what's going on?" Scarlett.

" I- I don't know she just started saying how we hate her and how we were going to send her back and that she couldn't see mark again and started packing all her stuff I've been trying to get her to stop but she just won't"  I told Scarlett

Scarlett's pov

I walked into Eloise's room to see her frantically packing her stuff and I asked Lizzie what the hell happened when she told me my heart ache I mean she really does think I hate her? Off course I don't.

I got up to get and grabbed Eloise's face with my hand and said "El, El look at me, look at me" she looked up but her eyes weren't concentrating on anything I had to get her calm.

After telling her to look at me for like felt like hours she finally did.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm sorry" she kept repeating.

"El hunny no, I am the one that should be sorry I never should have yelled at you I just got angry because you said things that weren't nice but that doesn't give me the right to yell at you" I said She was looking at me with those gorgeous eyes

"S-so you're n-not sending me b-back?" She asked with tears still running down her cheeks, I whipped them and looked at her in the eyes.

"Never, we're never sending you back" with that she takeld me in a hug and I hugged her back as tight as I could.

"We love you so much el, so much" I assured her I knew she wasn't going to say it back I knew it was going to take time and I am okay with that I just need her to know that Lizzie and I do love her...

When she finally calmed down it was time for us to go to the hospital to get those stitches off.

"Come on my love we have to get those stitches off your leg don't we" I told her smiling she looked at me with a nervous look and I think Lizzie noticed because she grabbed her hand and told her everything was going to be okay.

Damn I started this chapter and had no idea where it was going lol I had no clue what to write but I guess it turned out okay.
Hope you guys are having a great day/night/afternoon or whatever time it is in where you are. Don't forget to take care of yourselves.
love you lots ❤️

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