Staying? Chap 16

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⚠️TW: NONE⚠️


No one's pov

It's been two days since everything went down at the house hold and today is the day Lizzie and Scarlett were most anxious and scared about. Clara was coming to check the house and ask Eloise if she'd like to stay with them or leave.

They have been getting the house clean since last night anyone could se they were nervous about this visit since they really wanted Eloise to stay, they needed everything to be perfect so if Eloise did want to stay everything was perfect and she didn't have to move at all.

Scarlett's pov

This is stressful af I really want Eloise to stay here I bearly got any sleep last night thinking this might be the last time she's going to be here with us we haven't told her yet that Clara is coming we don't want her to get worked up and have to overthink everything all day.

Right now I'm checking some emails or at least trying I can't really concentrate con anything thinking about the many ways today could go so guess I better distract myself and go help Lizzie with breakfast.

"Morning babe" I say to Lizzie and kiss her cheek

"Morning baby" she says scrunching her nose. God I love her.

"How you feeling about today?" I ask her already knowing she's nervous because of the way she's frantically moving the pan and making so much food it could last till New Years

"I'm nervous so nervous" she says

"I know me too I just can't stop thinking about if she doesn't want to stay here anymore, I just love her so much and don't want to lose her" I say with my voice braking at the end a little

"I know babe I love her to" Lizzie says

" I should go wake her up so we can eat and get ready before Clara gets here"

Eloise's pov

I feel someone shaking me gently and running they're finger through my hair

"Wake up hunny breakfast is ready" I hear Scarlett say

"Nooooo" I say while covering my self with the covers even more

"Yes come on" she says while sitting down beside me so I wrap my arm around her and pull her down so I can lay with her

"No baby come on you gotta wake up now we can cuddle later okay?" She says

"Ughhh fine but I'll get ready after breakfast" I say

"Okay then"

We go down the stairs and I look to the table and there soooo much food that it actually made me nervous I mean do I have to eat all of that? My relationship with food is getting better but we're not best friends just yet

I sit down and grab some pancakes for myself when I look up at Lizzie and Scarlett they look like they have something to say


"El we have something to tell you" oh god here it goes, they're sending me away I knew this was too nice to be true, what they said was too nice to be true god Eloise how Stu-

"Honey before you think any of that we are not sending you back. Ever" they said okay I'm 99% that Lizzie can read minds I think maybe her Wanda powers are not fake

"Sweetie Clara is coming today to you know check on you and see how you're doing and if you want to stay" Scarlett says

I literally drop the fork I had on my hand "oh" it's literally all I manage to say why didn't they tell me yesterday so I had more time to think about this

"Look El we didn't tell you earlier because we didn't want you to get worked up or be overwhelmed by this we wanted to make it a little easier for you even tho we know it's not easy" Scarlett says

"It's okay I guess"

———-Time skip ——-

I hear the door bell ring and I instantly feel overwhelmed I mean this is a big decision for me. They have said that they love me and I do love them but my fucked up mind can't stop thinking about that maybe they're lying I hear the door open and Scarlett greeting Clara.

"Hello Eloise how are you doing?" She asks me

"I'm okay" I say

"How about I take a look around and later we can both have a chat yeah?" She says

"Yeah okay"

Lizzie's pov

Clara is now here and I can see that El is nervous by the way she's fidgeting and her leg bouncing up and down I place my hand in her leg and give her a smile and she smiles back but I know it's not real

"Hey it's okay, I'm nervous too" I tell her

"You are?" She says looking at me with those big beautiful eyes

"Of course I am I don't want to let you go" I tell her and then she just threw her self into my arms and I hug her tight I think the both of us really needed this

We pull away when Clara and Scarlett came back

"Okay Eloise I haven't seen your room wanna go show me?" She says and Eloise leads her up the stairs

"God I hope she stays" I say to Scarlett

"Me too" she answered while rubbing my arm up and down

Eloise's pov

I walk into my room with Clara behind me

"Wow El I love your room, it's really you" she says

"I know they let me decorate it myself" I say to her and smiling a little bit it's wired me smiling but I kinda like it

"Okay Eloise I'm going to go straight to the point"
I know what she's going to ask and honestly I'm not sure if I know the answer I want to believe they love me because I love them but what if they're juts like all of them, if they're juts saying that so they can hurt me later I really can't or neither want to go through anything like that ever again

"Eloise? You okay" Clara asks me

"Oh yeah sorry I zoned out" I say laughing awkwardly

"Okay so here it goes I have seen the hole house and I think it's great and I see that they actually care about you but you have the last say Eloise" she says looking at me with that look that I never want to see again honestly she's nice but she gets on my nerves sometimes and her voice annoying for some reason I really hope I never have to see her again

"So you have been staying here for a week and as we talked in here to know if you'd like to stay or I have to find you another foster home" she says to me

"I-I um-"


Oh well guess you'll find out next chapter 🤷‍♀️

What do you think Eloise will say?

Hey guys I really had no idea how to start this chapter it took soooo long lol but I guess it turned out pretty well anyway hope you like it.
Love y'all ❤️
Also I'm going on vacation tomorrow and there's no wifi so there won't be any updates till next week I'll see if I can figure something out and maybe post but I can't make any promises 🧍‍♀️

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