Question chap 51

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Eloise's pov:

It's been a little while sense the whole thing happened mama is know 4 months pregnant which is kinda exciting except for the fact that she's been throwing up a lot has been so exhausting for her.

As for me I've been working pretty hard with my therapist and I think it's going pretty well surprisingly I think for the first time in a long time I feel like therapy is actually working and letting me let go from so many things of my past and also know how to deal with them so I'm pretty thank full for that. Me and Kendra have been doing really well she's been so amazing with me and has helped me a lot I ended up telling her all about my past and lots of things that I've gone through and she has been nothing but supportive and it just makes me fall in love with her more each day.

Today I'm staying with mama alone sense mom had to go to work and mama hasn't been feeling too well
So I'm in charge of taking care of her.

"Hey mama how you feeling" I ask her sitting down besides her on the bed

"I'm okay baby just missing your cuddles" she says while hugging me tight and I lay down on her chest

"I can hear your heartbeat do you think the baby can too?" I ask her

"I'm sure they can I mean they are inside of me so they probably can" she said while playing with my hair and I just hummed

"When will you stop throwing up cuz I can't say I like it" I tell her laughing at little and she playfully rolls her eyes

"Believe me I don't like it either, well  my OB sent me some pills but I just started them yesterday so hopefully it'll go away in about a week" she told me while giving me a reassuring squeeze

I've been wanting to ask mom something for a little while but I'm just to ashamed to ask sense well I don't know if she'll react well

"C-can I ask you something?" I told her

"Yeah sure baby anything" she said

"I j-just you know no forget about it" I told her and ignored her gaze

"No baby come on you can ask me anything really" she said genuinely

"I-I um h-how how did you know when you were ready to you know, um h-have sex?" I asked again avoiding her face and not looking at it

"Ohhh I see" she said while siting up a little

"First baby I want to tell you that you shouldn't be scared to ask me anything okay? I'm you're mama and I want to be that person who can help
You with anything and I'm glad you asked baby it is really important to talk about this things and know how to to them safely" she told my while looking at me not stern but serious

"I know this topic can be a little weird to talk with your mama but really I am glad you talked to me. Look baby having sex it's a big step okay? But the most important thing is that you have consent on every step Okay? Not only that you give it but you also have to ask your partner too and to also know that there's nothing wrong on saying no after you through you wanted to there's nothing wrong on stoping if you aren't feeling comfortable you know what I think it's great? Talking with your partner about what you like what you don't like and to always have a safe word if you want them to stop" she told me while holding my hands

"Oh okay, thank you" I said and hugged her tight

"Do you think you might want to do it with Kendra?" She asked me and I blushed

"Well I don't know I mean I guess I have been thinking about it lately but I don't know I'm scared I'll freak out in the middle of it and then it'd be weird" I said not looking up at her

"Oh baby as I said thats why talking is so important and I'm sure if Kendra is a nice person she'll be completely okay with you wanting to stop at any moment " she said as she caressed my cheek

"Yah I guess you're right" I told her and rested my head on her belly

"Hi there baby I'm sorry you have to listen to this conversation but oh well I hope you're comfy in there but maybe not too much I want to meet you soon" I said while rubbing mamas belly and she laughed 

"Oh Eloise you have no idea how much I love you" she told me and I blushed a little

"I'm hungry" I said frowning a little

"Oh yeah mom is coming back with food she should be here any minute now" she told me and I smiled they knew me well

After a few minutes mom came home with chipotle knowing it is my favorite and I was so excited so we started eating.

"Hey moms is it okay if I go to the park with k she said there's this cute field that's covered in dandelions" I asked them excitedly

"Sure El just remember your sweater please" said mom while looking directly at me telling me to take her seriously and I just nodded and smiled

Lizzie's pov

El left about 15 minutes ago and I'm laying on the bed with scar

"I missed you" I told her and looked into her eyes

"Me too" she said and kissed me hard  making me moan into the kiss and she smirks while laughing a little

"Hey don't laugh my hormones are all over the place" I said while getting teary eyed

"Oh no baby no don't cry that's not what I meant you're just too cute" she said and I rolled my eyes getting over the previous emotion

"Come on I'll make you feel better" she said getting on top of me and started kissing down my neck making me close my eyes in pleasure

"B-baby" I said while trying to breath

"Shhh let me" she said now unbuttoning my pants and I moan at the sight of her taking them off

I feel her starting to take off my shirt and with it my top sense I don't wear a bra anymore sense my boobs are way too sensitive and they huuurttt

"Can I take this off now?" She asked me while playing with my underwear and I nodded not being able to answer with words

"I need words my love" she said while touching my boobs

"Y-yes!" I yelled a little and she smirked and took the m off as fast as she could

Scarlett started to kiss down my thights while I wiggled under her. She started to go around where I wanted it her the most but wouldn't give it to me

"B-baby please" I said while moaning on her ear and she finally complied and gave me what I wanted Then she started to suck on my clit while I moaned like crazy

"Does that feel good?" She asked me while still being close to my clit sending vibrations down my spine making me moan even louder

"I'll take that as a yes" she said and started sucking harder and harder making me close to my orgasm and she knew that so she stopped and I whined

"It's okay my love" she said and after that she entered her fingers as hard as she could making me scream her name

"Holy shit" I said as she had 3 fingers inside of me making me feel so full just how I liked it and kept pumping in and out of me

"S-scar im cumming" I told her while I shaked under her

"It's okay baby let go" she said and kept pumping with the same pace as before making me cum

"Fuck, that was so good" I told her and kissed her again

"I love you Lizzie" she said and made me blush

"I love you more scar" I told her and layed down on her chest and fell asleep

Oooop guys it's my first time writing smut so idk if it is any good but I hope it was.
Hope you guys liked this chapter

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